Thunder's Place

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Breast enlargement vs. penis enlargement


Breast enlargement vs. penis enlargement

I was wondering about something, What makes it OK if for you we’re to be out in public or anywhere and a female said I getting my breast implants this week and that seems to be OK, no one laughs or makes fun or makes judgements. The thing is if a guy was to say something to that affect as he was doing some new exercises to enlarge his cock. People would immediately laugh, make fun,pass judgement on you have a little dick causing some serious confidence issues. The thing is what makes them any different .

Begining Stats 5/25/04 Fl 3.75", fg=4",bpel=5.5",eg=4.5" 6/25/04 Bpfl=4.64",fg=4.68",bpel=6.04",eg=4.95" 2ND MONTH 7/23/04(going out of town)early measurement BPFL=4.75" FG=4.75" BPEL=6.3" EG=5.3" 3rd Month(WOW is all I can SAY) 5.5" BPFL 5.5" FG 6.63" BPEL 6" EG Goal Fl 6.5" Fg 5.75" Bpel 8.5" Eg 6.5"

If you rape a girl, it’s an offence but if a girl rapes you people will laugh. It’s just the mental conception that people have.

Although both are useful for self confidence issues. Everyone knows that breast enlargement is successful (in the aspect that after it; the breast size is increased), but not many know that PE works. It’s still a myth.


Originally Posted by squashdzl
What makes it OK if for you we’re to be out in public or anywhere and a female said I getting my breast implants this week and that seems to be OK, no one laughs or makes fun or makes judgements.

I guess it depends on the crowd you hang out with. Personally I am neutral on the issue. But most folks I know would probably say women who undergo breast augmentation are 1) nuts or 2) have a severe self-image problem or 3) have too much money. In fact, I have never heard anyone I personally know make a positive comment about breast augmentation procedures simply for cosmetic reasons. Of course, I doubt they would say this face to face with someone considering augmentation.

I have known many women who have had cosmetic augmentation, later had the implants removed, and said they wish they hadn’t done it in the first place.

10 years ago breast augmentation was frowned upon. Now practically every girl I know has it. PE will one day be as accepted I think.

All information here is from my cow Bessy. The opinions and posts are hers and not mine. I just do the typing for her because we all know cows cant type. Fieldmouse :iws:

Women are allowed to obcess about their bodies, men are rugged! :gijoe:

Hey, PE doesn’t work! That’s why they would laugh.

I think they would laugh because it’s your pee pee that you are talking about :)


Originally Posted by squashdzl
I was wondering about something, What makes it OK if for you we’re to be out in public or anywhere and a female said I getting my breast implants this week and that seems to be OK, no one laughs or makes fun or makes judgements. The thing is if a guy was to say something to that affect as he was doing some new exercises to enlarge his cock. People would immediately laugh, make fun,pass judgement on you have a little dick causing some serious confidence issues. The thing is what makes them any different .

It is true. If a woman want to increase her breast, there’s no problem at all, she will be hot, and that is taken normal.
But when it comes to a man, saying I will do PE, it’s taken different, because we have to carry with more prejudices, being around us.

Hopefully this world is changing.

BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)

Originally Posted by Kawaihae
I guess it depends on the crowd you hang out with. Personally I am neutral on the issue. But most folks I know would probably say women who undergo breast augmentation are 1) nuts or 2) have a severe self-image problem or 3) have too much money. In fact, I have never heard anyone I personally know make a positive comment about breast augmentation procedures simply for cosmetic reasons. Of course, I doubt they would say this face to face with someone considering augmentation.

What Kawaihae says is exactly the attitude that occurred in this news interview that I watched on tv:

Giving your daughter a car for graduation. New hotness: Giving her a pair of 34C’s

I think it has to do with preconceived notions about gender based behavior. Men are expected to be confidant, therefore to admit to jelqing equates to weakness. Women are expected to be insecure, therefore breast implants equates to building on self-esteem.

Age: 42 Start date: July 14, 2004 Non-BPEL 5 5/8"; Erect girth, mid shaft, 5", base 5 1/4"

Current stats: BPEL 7.5"; Erect girth, mid-shaft (MSG) 5.25", base (BG) 5.5"

Inequality of the sexes at work yet again!

Men have been oppressed by women for years…nothing changes.

perhaps it has to do with the fact that breasts are more obvious?

Breast size is more related to attracting someone than it is to sexually pleasing them. I think a better comparison to breast enlargement would be say a guy getting hair implants or liposuction or any other number of surgeries that would help attract someone.

I think a penis enlargement would be better compared to a surgery to make a woman’s vagina tighter- and I know most people don’t talk about that.


I realize this is an old thread, but it touches on something I was possibly going to start a new thread about. This is going to sound crazy, but:

Has anyone who has made considerable gains, and is still around on this site, come to a point where they, like the women who have their breast implants removed, wish they hadn’t done PE?

I could easily imagine that a woman who has implants would, at some level, feel a little guilty every time someone complimented how hot or sexy she was and eventually regret the decision to be “something she is not”.

Has anyone felt like this about their PE? or would they admit it if they did?

Maybe it has something to do with the quick transformation of surgical breast implants versus the long time frame of “earning” a bigger penis, but still I am curious as to what you guys think.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

I seriously doubt it. With breast implants you can almost pick anything. A guy with a 3” cock isn’t gonna get a 14” cock with PE. I’m gonna guess no one is upset with their gains and wishing they had’nt because it is man made with hard work. Like gaining muscle. Its only small increments instead of a noticeable tripling of size.

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