Thunder's Place

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Can they feel our BPEL


I have small fat pad and when I am grinding while I am as deep as I can go, yeah, they feel more than they see. Actually, having a decent girth on a somewhat average length makes the look of it deceiving. Once, I got a remark similar to “Ah, you can go that deep, nice!” which made me suspect that she thought from the way it looked that I wasn’t long enough, or at least as long as she felt me to be.


One thing is certain, BP is easier judge for gains. Losing weight won’t give you better BP measurements. Enlarging will.

The cowgirl, woman on top, position where she’s squatting, not kneeling on top seems to be the deepest grind for me. I’m pretty sure that’s the closest to the whole BPEL inside her we can accomplish. This is our position of choice to massage her CDS.

Oddly enough, as some have voiced here, the doggy seems to be deepest for her.

If girth is king, why the hell does everyone keep talking about length?

It varies from person to person, but the fat pad compresses during deep sex. Your insertable length is probably half way between BP and NBP. Also, water intake and weightloss can impact your NBP measurement.

No need to equate NBP with insertable length. It’s just a visual starting point.

Originally Posted by Girth and Greed
This whole thread is an illogical mess. BPEL length is just a measurement. You can’t “feel” a measurement. You can only feel inserted length.

Wow.. Id thumb down this post if it was possible >.>
You can’t “feel” a measurement.. I see, I guess the NBPEL “measurement” can’t be felt either.
BPEL length is just a measurement.. Yeah right, Id like to ask you to go ahead, make an OK grip at the base of your NBEP dick, then .. Abra-cadabra .. Push down. I know.. Its magic.. It seems to be longer, right?
Truly, an illogical mess!
I would expect more from the collective wisdom of PEers >.>

Originally Posted by Girth and Greed
Next time you’re bumping uglies, make a point of noticing how much of your cock penetrates your chosen orifice. Measure from that point and there you go. If you notice that in certain positions you are getting deep enough such that your fat pad is being compressed, then you have an indication that more length than that indicated by your NBPEL measurement is being inserted.

Wait what? Now you admit that - I am assuming you were on the NBPEL = insert-able size - more than NBPEL can be inserted?
What an illogical mess..

Anyway, my thought on the matter:
I would say that one can insert up to (very closely to it but not quite yet) BPEL.
It depends on factors such as how well you can compress your fat-pad and how hard to push it in.
But as a rule of thumb, I would say, that the insert-able length is in-between NBPEL and BPEL and is more likely - in my experience - in the upper half side (closer to BPEL).

Originally Posted by ehlolol
Wow.. Id thumb down this post if it was possible >.>
You can’t “feel” a measurement.. I see, I guess the NBPEL “measurement” can’t be felt either.
BPEL length is just a measurement.. Yeah right, Id like to ask you to go ahead, make an OK grip at the base of your NBEP dick, then .. Abra-cadabra .. Push down. I know.. Its magic.. It seems to be longer, right?
Truly, an illogical mess!
I would expect more from the collective wisdom of PEers >.>

Wait what? Now you admit that - I am assuming you were on the NBPEL = insert-able size - more than NBPEL can be inserted?
What an illogical mess..

Anyway, my thought on the matter:
I would say that one can insert up to (very closely to it but not quite yet) BPEL.
It depends on factors such as how well you can compress your fat-pad and how hard to push it in.
But as a rule of thumb, I would say, that the insert-able length is in-between NBPEL and BPEL and is more likely - in my experience - in the upper half side (closer to BPEL).

Agree with this 100%

While BPEL may be used as a baseline for measuring real progress for gains, as WayneCider pointed out, there are certain positions where she can get every mm of that BPEL measurement. And unless your woman likes cervical stimulation, it really doesn’t matter all that much since the vast majority of the nerve endings that enhance sensual pleasure/sexual stimulation is at the front of the canal anyway.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

Bpel mostly for accurate measurement. Depends though. My fat pad is 0.5 but half that is insertable

"It is better to fail aiming high than to succeed aiming low. And we of Thundersplace have set our sights very high, so high in fact that even failure will have in it an echo of glory.”

Originally Posted by iLogPE
While BPEL may be used as a baseline for measuring real progress for gains, as WayneCider pointed out, there are certain positions where she can get every mm of that BPEL measurement. And unless your woman likes cervical stimulation, it really doesn’t matter all that much since the vast majority of the nerve endings that enhance sensual pleasure/sexual stimulation is at the front of the canal anyway.

Mhmm well yeah, aside from the G spot you are mentioning, there are also the P and A spot.. If you know how to work it, you can also give deep pleasure.. So to speak :P

Originally Posted by ehlolol
Mhmm well yeah, aside from the G spot you are mentioning, there are also the P and A spot.. If you know how to work it, you can also give deep pleasure.. So to speak :P

I don’t care if they can feel it or not. BPEL is only to get correct measurement as several people already pointed out. I measure my flaccid BP also to track progress.

Originally Posted by keybord
I don’t care if they can feel it or not. BPEL is only to get correct measurement as several people already pointed out. I measure my flaccid BP also to track progress.

This thread is not about measurement.
Its irrelevant which method you use to measure and track, the
Thread starter didn’t ask anyone about that.
All he wanted to know was whether the BPEL could be felt, to which I gave an answer.

If you don’t care, why do you try to contribute with a reply that doesn’t even remotely address
The question??


Originally Posted by ehlolol
This thread is not about measurement.
Its irrelevant which method you use to measure and track, the
Thread starter didn’t ask anyone about that.
All he wanted to know was whether the BPEL could be felt, to which I gave an answer.

If you don’t care, why do you try to contribute with a reply that doesn’t even remotely address
The question??


It was not my intention to quote your reply. Don’t know what happened there. It was only meant as a reply to the thread starter.
You say that all he wanted to know is whether the BP can be felt or not. That’s not true. He also said: “If not then I really don’t see the point in saying were bigger then we actually are”
My reply is, we say it to keep track of our progress and you say my answer doesn’t remotely address the question. Maybe you didn’t read the entire post?

Seems like you are right. I take that part back then. Sorry about that.

Then: 6.5 BPEL | 5.5 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Now: 8.11 BPEL | 7.24 NBPEL x 5.5 MSEG | 5.0 BEG

Goal: 9x6 || My journal

Sure, pressing to the bone is felt, and can be measured. It’s not trying to fool anyone, as most times BP is stated usually only for tracking. Even if someone were to announce their BP to a potential interest (which I don’t personally recommend as it’s a bit of an odd icebreaker), most can’t visually discern .5 - 1 inch anyway.

Half an inch won’t leave them with a better impression, but being confident in whatever you have will. :)

How the hell is any women going to tell your length when we can’t even come to a concensus amongst men. Does anyone actually tell their date the size of it. Does not sound sexy at all. Now if she asks, completely different story.

Started: (NOV14) BPEL 5" MEG 4.75" BEG 4.75"

Current: BPEL 6.438 MEG 4.875" BEG 5.25"


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