Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Can you "see" your length gains?


Can you "see" your length gains?

I put “see” in quotation marks because I am not talking about seeing on a ruler that you are longer than you used to be. I think I can sometimes literally see my length gains, and I’m curious if anyone else has experienced this?

Every now and then, I will notice a ring of skin that starts immediately below my glans and extends a short way down the shaft. This skin is a lighter color than what is below it, but eventually it starts to blend in with the surrounding skin. I’m not sure if this has to do with how I stretch or not.

I stretch in all directions. For stretching upward, I use an overhand okay grip around the glans with my right hand, and then I literally partially wrap my shaft around my thumb. I then use my left hand to help put tension on that point, and I squeeze my legs together and push up from underneath for good measure. This allows me to put a great deal of tension into the stretch, and I believe at least some of my length gains are concentrated at the region immediately below the glans for this reason. Curious to hear other’s thoughts.

Well I gained between 0.5cm and 1.5cm in BPEL in 2 months and while sometimes I feel like my dick looks bigger, I dont really feel bigger. I took pictures at the start but I cant really see any visual difference when comparing them to my current size, maybe my gains are to small to be visible or maybe most of my gains only show up in BP measurements.

Just to clear up this 0.5-1.5cm: at the start i measured 14.5cm but on hindsight i remembered a year ago measuring 15cm once, so now i question if i really did get 100% erect when i measured 14.5cm. After 3 weeks of PE i measured 15cm. After 2 months I measured 15.5 but all the measurements were done while seated and one day I got super hard and measured 16cm although i was laying down.

I think the best way to do this is to have a BP measurement (that you always do the same way) for tracking your gains, and have NBP measurement along with a picture for your own information. Maybe have a can of coke next to your penis on every picture so you have something to compare it too.

Originally Posted by pantera2994
Well I gained between 0.5cm and 1.5cm in BPEL in 2 months and while sometimes I feel like my dick looks bigger, I dont really feel bigger. I took pictures at the start but I cant really see any visual difference when comparing them to my current size, maybe my gains are to small to be visible or maybe most of my gains only show up in BP measurements.

Just to clear up this 0.5-1.5cm: at the start i measured 14.5cm but on hindsight i remembered a year ago measuring 15cm once, so now i question if i really did get 100% erect when i measured 14.5cm. After 3 weeks of PE i measured 15cm. After 2 months I measured 15.5 but all the measurements were done while seated and one day I got super hard and measured 16cm although i was laying down.

I think the best way to do this is to have a BP measurement (that you always do the same way) for tracking your gains, and have NBP measurement along with a picture for your own information. Maybe have a can of coke next to your penis on every picture so you have something to compare it too.

I was trying to ask specifically if anyone else has ever noticed a light ring of skin around their penis. I think this light ring I see is new gains.

I’ve gained .75” in BPEL. I might be able to tell a slight difference. But I’ve probably doubled my flaccid length. Used be all turtled up, probably about 2-3 inches. Now on average it’s 4.5”, and never goes less than four. I can definitely see the difference.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

Originally Posted by Lookinforgirth

I’ve gained .75” in BPEL. I might be able to tell a slight difference. But I’ve probably doubled my flaccid length. Used be all turtled up, probably about 2-3 inches. Now on average it’s 4.5”, and never goes less than four. I can definitely see the difference.

I feel like people are missing the point of my post. I think I can see some of my length gains in the form of a lighter colored ring of skin circling the shaft just below the glans, and I’m asking if anyone else has a similar effect. It seems like new skin that takes time to change color to match the surrounding skin.

Sorry. I haven’t noticed it, on my shaft.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

I’ve gained a lot of flaccid, and almost never turtle now. I used to turtle to the point where urination was a hassle.

I’ll be moving my clothing aside to take a leak, and a hand will bump into the glans or shaft, hanging out where they never did before. It still startles me sometimes.

I see a lot more “amost full length, but not hard” than I used to. I reached down to scratch my balls the other day and my glans was rubbing my forearm. That was something new. I told my wife about it and she thought it was hilarious.

I can… the skin is a, lighter color behind the glands… ive gained a solid .5” in length since i started this journey… being over 6” flacid i have however found it more challenging to get a full erection in that it takes more time…

Originally Posted by Tbjorns1153

I can… the skin is a, lighter color behind the glands… ive gained a solid .5” in length since i started this journey… being over 6” flacid i have however found it more challenging to get a full erection in that it takes more time…

I seem to have noticed this as well. It’s like having more penis to fill increases the time it takes to get hard. Small price to pay though!

I started to see my gains after around 4cm length gained. I can see now when I wank and there is lots more shaft to it. But I only noticed like last year. I guess the growth has been too gradual.

inicial 1996: BPEL 15cm (Margin of error +/- 0.5cm) MSEG: 14.1 cm

inicio extender (sept2012): 15,5cm BPEL /14,1cm MSEG --- Hanging: inicio: Ago 21 2022 21.0cm --- Ultima medicion: Sept 1 2022: 21.6cm BPEL x 15,1cm MSEG

Meta: 28cm BPEL x 21cm MSEG -- si, quiero tenerla mas gorda que tu vieja. jaja

Can See

Can def see my gains or so I thought until my wife said something about how my dick is bigger. I kept hitting her cervix at the time. Now she can accept it all again and I keep stretching. 7.25” now. Started 6.25. About 290hrs of stretching

Although my BPEL is about +1” I wouldn’t say that it is noticeable visually when errect to me, probably as change has been gradual now having been doing PE for 2 years.

However flaccid change is very noticeable, probably 2x what it used to be. This is both noticeable visually and when doing sports. Basically wearing compression shorts/tights has become quite uncomfortable whereas I used to not notice it at all.

Start Jan 2021 BPEL 14.5cm 5.7" MSEG 11.5cm 4.5" | Last Measure July 2024 BPEL 18.1cm 7.0" MSEG 13.5cm 5.3"

Next Goal BPEL 19cm 7.5" MSEG 14cm 5.5" | Ultimate Goal BPEL 20cm 8" MSEG 15.0cm 6"

Originally Posted by redmorsilla
I started to see my gains after around 4cm length gained. I can see now when I wank and there is lots more shaft to it. But I only noticed like last year. I guess the growth has been too gradual.

Hi Redmorsilla,

Your Gains has been achieved only with extender?

19/11/20: Bpel 15,5 -- Eg 12,0

10/01/20: Bpel 16.5 -- Eg 12,5

18/01/23: Bpel 17.0 -- Eg 12,8

I’ve definitely seen some pink rings initiated by the growth I was documenting and less often, I’d see a dark ring in between two new pink rings that would develop segments of pink skin giving the impression of a dark ring with pink ‘gaps’. This has occurred consistently over the time I did PE (small rings and small ‘gaps’ mind you).

Like you, I queried this forum about it which from the replies led me to believe that this phenomena varies by person dependent upon the type of skin and/or genetics they have. My ‘growth rings’ have faded as well but are still clear, visible reminders that PE resulted in permanent growth although I haven’t actively PE’d for a couple years. Best o’ luck!


Life is short - your dick doesn’t have to be!

Now (07/24): 7.1 x 4.6 - vol 12.1 ci :woot2:

Starting (01/17): 5.5 x 4.4 - vol 8.4 ci

I thinks its more similar to growing taller and gaining or losing weight, you don’t really notice the change visually until there is a big enough change. Sometimes I even doubt whether I’ve grown at all with hanging, but then I pull out the ruler and the doubt goes away.


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