Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Changing my stats AGAIN!!!


Yes, I do edge with a cockring on, however I take it off about every 20 minutes or so and pound the clown for about 5 minutes to get some good, new, fresh blood flow in the unit. I then put back on the cockring, do a series of kegels to fill it with blood to the max and off I go again. There seems to be no impressive swelling during the first 1/2 hour. It is 45-90 minutes when you see the big, impressive, zuccinni effect. When it starts getting real big, I then do ULIs and just plain squeeze the shit out of it with an ok grip just like when I am jelqing.

Hope this helps.


Thanks VVC, I will give it a try when I have some time.


Congratulation on your gains!

I enjoy your enthusiasm and hearing of your progress.

If you were to start a single thread in progress reports/personal routines section, it would be easier for us to keep track of what you’re up to. Plus when new members have questions, you can just point them to a single thread where they can read your entire PE history. Just a thought.

Stay strong


Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Good thought MX. I think that is basically what dreamaloud and illpo were getting at earlier.

Thanks for the advice guys!


You’ve got awesome girth!


Good suggestion Thunder. I guess I never really noticed that column.

I will catch on to this forum thing sooner or later!


Thanks matutinal_euphony. Mrs V really likes it. Therefore, I like it!


Damn, man. Congratulations! Now clean your couch.

Naw, the “special” blanket goes on the couch when needed! Heh Heh



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