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Clamping observation, hardness and expansion

Clamping observation, hardness and expansion

I’ve started clamping 3 weeks ago and today I decided to cum after my session, which I usually don’t do.

So I was stimulating myself more than I would do during a normal clamping session (I was more edging and not just kegeling blood) and it was like my cock couldn’t expand that much because it got very hard and rigid, like a contracted muscle, ready to shoot that load.

I wonder if that state of extreme hardness doesn’t prevent us from getting the real expansion we need to see growth or even is the cause why some people don’t experience any gains from clamping.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Love your avatar!

Originally Posted by gram40
Love your avatar!

Thanks man!

It’s Natacha Peyre, one of the hottest girls in the world. ;)

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Originally Posted by KinXXXize
Thanks man!

It’s Natacha Peyre, one of the hottest girls in the world. ;)

…with faked breasts.

No dick is as hard as life.

Originally Posted by Rapadalen
…with faked breasts.

Don’t forget the fake lips, which makes her even hotter.

Mother nature doesn’t make girls this hot ;)

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


I still try to avoid that state of maximum arousness. But I have also added some V Stretches to my clamping routine and I’m wearing my old Penimaster for a few hours a day before the clamping session.
I feel more fatigue with stretches after my clamping session, and I think my routine can be beneficial for girth and length, the Penimaster weakens the tissue before my session and after the clamping when the tunica is already beat up, I put in some V Stretches.

My clamped cock seems even to be longer now.

I hope it’s understandable what I wrote because I’m tired and feel the Ambien. :)

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Yay !!!…I just found the Cable Clamp. And it was at Walmart after all. Checked all the electrical shops around and also Home Dept and nothing. Wicked expensive too. Just under 4 bucks for three differnent sizes too. White one for ants, of course the red one you see here everywhere and a yellow one if Shamu, the killer whale decides to PE.:sheepdo:

Start the clamp fairly tight, as you continually stimulate and kegel, back off the clamp one notch at a time. You will probably find better expansion at clicks 5-7 as opposed to full on.

06/21/07 NBP = 7.75(tape) FSL = 7.875 EG = 5.00 Volume= 15.42

09/13/07 NBP = 8.375 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.38 Volume = 19.29 (+25%)

12/26/07 NBP = 8.625 FSL = 8.75 EG = 5.50 Volume = 20.82 (+35%)

Defiant, I hope you will get some good gains.

Originally Posted by newguy01
Start the clamp fairly tight, as you continually stimulate and kegel, back off the clamp one notch at a time. You will probably find better expansion at clicks 5-7 as opposed to full on.

I really think you’re right. I made the same observations today.
Clamping too tight doesn’t make sense because one will limit the blood coming in too.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


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