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Clamping Tightness


This is a good thread. I’ve never had much luck clamping. I might be doing it wrong.

Generally I wrap with an ace bandage and apply clamp loosely, work up an erection and at about 90% I start to tighten and push down as close to the base as possible. Problem is, unless I edge, I don’t maintain an erection and it seems to do nothing but expand my veins, no matter how tight I get it. Are 2 clamps a must? I’ve tried it like this, and it does make a difference, but I still don’t get that sense of “pressure” that so many on here talk about. I do use the clamp hinge parallel to the ground.

For me, Ulis seem to work much, much better, but of course you are limited to how long you can clamp off with your hand before it gets tired. I kind of get the feeling that the clamp is not the correct geometry for my dick. I am very circular while the clamping area is far more oval. Do you think maybe a thicker wrap would help, or perhaps staggering 2 clamp hinges one parallel, one perpendicular? Any other perfect circle dick guys have any thoughts?

Starting Stats: BPEL 5.5" EG 4.4" -- Current: BPEL 6.9" EG 4.95" -- Short Term Goal BPEL 7", EG 5.25" -- Ultimate Goal : BPEL 7.5" EG 5.75"

Originally Posted by swaffel

One thing I’ve learned about base development that may be insightful, is that it occurs in a part of your organ that generally is never outside your pelvic floor. It took many, many years for me to realize it even existed. I’ve managed to pull it out, so that now, while flaccid, I can feel most of the deflated structure residing in my scrotum. When it becomes engorged it essentially adds three inches in length to my overall erection. This isn’t to say that it adds length when doing a pubic bone pressed measurement, that doesn’t change. What happens is length is created in the opposite direction - so to speak. This is why I suggest, among other things, building custom cylinders that are shaped more like a shoe, at least in regard to how the opening is placed on the cylinder.
For those that have no idea what I’m talking about, simply search my posts as I’ve already spoken extensively on all these topics.

Interesting, I’ve long been curious about using a cylinder or at least a sort of pump on part of the pelvic floor for base girth and particularly erections, my guess being that inflow should be vastly improved. I’ll search for your posts then.

Originally Posted by swaffel
I now use the cable cuff that has a 9 inch inside diameter at the first click, which is already tight, and click it down to about 7 and a half inch inside diameter, over padding that provides about another inch of constriction.(Not so tight as to prevent back-flow, but still as tight as I can make it by hand.) I start the session by first rolling on my namba, which is crucial to getting my base to engorge which allows me to set the clamp as far down as can go. Also before I set the cable cuff I put a sort of pre clamp on by stretching several turns of 2 inch wide bicycle tubing around my base extending up 4 inches. (Slightly tighter at the bottom than the top.) It allows me to collect even more base, as it can be wrapped in such a way that is near impossible to achieve with just a neoprene sleeve. So, at this point, before the camp is set, my entire unit, excluding the glans, is under pressure, and fully engorged.

When I clamp, I can feel below the clamp, and the “inner shaft” around the balls and perineum is hard. Sometimes it forms a “bulb” that I press on to add pressure. Unfortunately, I can’t capture much more of it because the scrotum and balls are in the way. I’m on a few off days but when I’m back to it, I’m going to try collecting more of the scrotum in the clamp, and see if that allows me to get more base included in the clamp.

Originally Posted by swaffel
This isn’t to say that it adds length when doing a pubic bone pressed measurement, that doesn’t change. What happens is length is created in the opposite direction - so to speak. This is why I suggest, among other things, building custom cylinders that are shaped more like a shoe, at least in regard to how the opening is placed on the cylinder.
For those that have no idea what I’m talking about, simply search my posts as I’ve already spoken extensively on all these topics.

When you pump with the custom cylinder with the shoe shaped opening, do the balls split and go to the side of the opening, or are they together below the opening?

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

BD, as you know, it really is tricky business developing the base. I’m sure a book could be written about it, but I’ll just say I think my success is attributable to a few important factors. Good libido, for one, is essential or nothing else one does is going to have any affect. I wouldn’t be able to roll on my namba without at least fairly decent libido. The thing about a namba that is so helpful when it comes to clamping is that as you roll it on it’s like slowly building a cast around your tool that encourages elongation. A bit like slipping ‘er into a vagina, and leaving it there all day. The constant pressure your tool feels inside the namba puts pressure also on the bit of your tool that isn’t in it, causing it to become fuller. This, in turn, allows you to roll still more namba down your shaft. This process just continues to build on it’s self with time. You’ll see.

When I pump, which is regularly, My balls and just enough scrotum to contain them are pinched off just above the rectum, below and pressed up against the heel (an it is heel shaped) of my cylinder. I’ve tried to put them above the pubic bone but have found this leads to discomfort. You will find that this bump you push on to create pressure will eventually slip into the cylinder. The size and shape of the opening is the tricky part. Mine is 3” by 1 3/4” oval with a hard thin edge turned into the cylinder help create a seal that prevents extra scrotal skin from slipping in. I don’t believe a rubber seal will work as it would allow the balls to slip in, but maybe not. Anyway, it’s important to get as much scrotum into the cylinder as possible without letting the balls in. But you know all this.

There used to be this guy selling baby blood pressure cuffs that he had set up in a way that you could clamp by pumping it up around your penis. I had one long ago. It was easy to use for sure. Wonder if any are still out there.

I suppose I am just now realizing the extent to which the scrotum is the limiting factor in targeting my inner base girth. The boys are in the way.

A couple answers to some of the comments in this thread:

As far as I know Monty stopped selling the air clamp, as I saw it mentioned in a few different threads over the last year that guys were wondering if there was anywhere to still get them. So I assume not.

The “right” way to orient the clamps is with the hinge at the bottom, that is right on the CS, ventral side of the shaft. So as the clamp is tightened, the sides of the clamp will squeeze the sides of the dick, the CC’s.

I wanted to clarify that at full clamp tightness, it’s true I get no backflow, but there are a couple footnotes that go along with that. One is that I usually required 2 clamps at that tightness to cut off backflow. The other is that I will still get backflow if I squeeze the shaft in any other way except placing another clamp right above the last one. Adding multiple clamps like this, one on top of the other at the base, without breaking the seal and causing backflow, creates a huge pressure buildup in the upper shaft. But if I were to do a manual squeeze for example, it would cause some backflow, and I’d lose the full inflation.

That is maybe another topic to discuss. The relationship between inflation, clamp tightness, and shaft hardness.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"


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