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clamping when sex?


Hey I;ve been clamping with a o-ring and fucking my wife for the last six months she loves the bigger girth, the only downfall is now she and I want to clamp all the time when we fuck it feels GREAT!!

Yeah, it is easy to spoil them to that faux girth. Also easy to spoil yourself to the tighter fit. I can’t remembered the last time I fucked without some post routine girth.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

I have used a rubber cock ring several times and that is the same tool I use for clamping. But it is soft, a bit stretchy so it works pretty well. But as already said, be careful as your penis is more exposed to injuries when clamped.

Historical graph since start including all Measures and Goals -

Start 2008-09-01: 5,9" X 4,5", 2012-03-31: 7,3" X 5.4" - Goal 7,5" X 5,5"

I fucked my girl with a clamp on. It worked fine and I only had minor red spots.

Not just rubber rings

plenty of the sex stores sell various types of rings. Way before I tried one of these (which I was very disapointed cos it was too soft) I tried a wooden curtain ring. Because it’s unforgiving it well make for rock hard. The only problem if that you may not fit.

There are steel ones on the market. Give it a whirl just make sure anything you use is free from anything sharp. It needs to hug fairly tight. The thicker the ring, the more comfortable for you and your partner.

This might seem like an idiotic question ,but has anyone every urinated with a cock ring on? Today after sex I ran to the bathroom for pee break before going back in and.. (Fast forwarding ) later on today I went to the bathroom again, without the ring on and had a little blood in my pee, should I be worried?

I am the master of my fate and captain of my soul.

Did this one time but ended up breaking the clamp cause my unit got so hard. Now I need to make a run to the store and get a new clamp. Cock ring works just a good .

Start: 6.25 bp , 5.75 nbp el , 4.75 meg

Now: 7.25 bp , 6.5 nbp el , 5.25 meg

Goal: 8.5 bp , 7.5 nbp el , 6.0 meg

I use a really good metal cock ring!

The result is fantastic, and during the intercorse the dick became huge! But it’s better to don’t wear it for more then 20/30 minutes!

Ladies like so much this kind of cock ring!:) they use to call it ” jewellery’s dick” :D

Starting January 2009 BPEL 17,5 cm x MSEG 14,5 cm. Today - BPEL 21,5 cm x MSEG 17,5 cm.

Goal ---- Wonderful EQ -----BPEL 24 cm x MSEG 18,5cm

È preferibile non fare un’azione che non va fatta, perché dopo ci si pente. Ciò che va fatto e meglio farlo bene, perché non ci si pente !

Question, do you put on the cock ring before you get hard or after you have an erection ?

With a metal cock ring, always before. When is hard it’s really difficult.

With a normal rubber cock ring you can put it after beeing hard,without problem.

Starting January 2009 BPEL 17,5 cm x MSEG 14,5 cm. Today - BPEL 21,5 cm x MSEG 17,5 cm.

Goal ---- Wonderful EQ -----BPEL 24 cm x MSEG 18,5cm

È preferibile non fare un’azione che non va fatta, perché dopo ci si pente. Ciò che va fatto e meglio farlo bene, perché non ci si pente !

Ok, got it ,, I’m going to have to find those O rings !!

Yea I do it sometimes with the clamp on, but only with the girl on top for avoiding any injuries. It’s fun.

The advantage of a clamp over a cock ring is it’s easy to pop it when it’s time to orgasm. Do not orgasm with the clamp closed.

Is it safe to masturbate while clamping


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