Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Clamping without porn


Clamping without porn

Is it even possible?

The reason why I’m asking is because I typically watch porn few times a week and for no longer than few minutes. With clamping, however, that rises to almost daily basis for up to 30 minutes or even more. To me, that is an unhealthy amount of porn.

Naturally, one gets desensitized from so much of it. I’m not sure I want to risk watching so much porn every day in next 8-10 months. Are there any alternatives that are proven to work?

Of course it’s possible. As long as you can maintain an erection you should achieve your erection. Even if it means masturbating off and on, preferably with a bit of lube, to keep yourself hard.

10/07: BPEL: 7.5" EG: 5.5" Now:BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.6" Mid Girth Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 6" Early Pics Latest Pics

I’ll second CoolBill, it’s possible. I gave up porn 8-10 weeks ago, partly because of reading several of the “porn detox” posts on this forum and partly because of a desire to know if I could do it. (It had gotten to the point that I felt too dependent on porn, and I didn’t like feeling that way.)

I’ve been doing some heavy clamping every day since June 3, and in these five weeks I’ve been mostly successful doing it without porn. I will admit there were several days when I was glad I wasn’t a jumberjack because I couldn’t find a log anywhere! Those days were very distressing to me, and I knew on many of them I could have been stroking a boner in 15 seconds if only I would visit a porn site.

I’m glad I chose not to “relapse” into porn, however, for a couple reasons: 1) What if porn was actually masking an underlying problem with declining testosterone levels? If my T isn’t where it should be, as I sometimes suspect, I want to know it! For the time being, I’m helping myself out in this area by taking libido-boosting supplements, including Maca, Pygeum, and Horny Goat Weed. These have helped a lot. 2) I’ve been learning to reprogram my brain about sex and masturbation, including learning to be more sensual with my own body and more imaginative with my mind. I’ve had GREAT fun discovering my nipples in new ways, and much to my surprise they keep getting more and more sensitive and sexual the more I stroke and play with them during my clamping sessions. My sexual fantasies still need improvement, but I’m getting better at producing them on my own rather than always passively observing them in a video.

Hang in there, UpTo7. You can do it!

Simply use your mind to stimulate yourself while your are watching TV for example.

Note that the effect on the brain is the same (when you think about different women, it generates dopamine levels disturbance that leads to loneliness and depression).

But at least you will have a better control of your erection and you will avoid a lot of ejaculation.

2010.04 : 15.9 x 13.8 | 24,0° [BPEL x MSEG, in cm | left curvature]

2012.04 : 19.2 x 15.9 | 21,3°

2015.05 : 20.3 x 16.3 | 24.3° Progress log - Pictures

I feel like this “porn addiction” or similar stuff is mostly mental state. Nothing is addictive unless you want it to be, or you make yourself rely on it to do something. I agree with some of the above comments. You can (I do) learn to clamp with, or without porn. Learn to embrace your imagination.

Note: Clamplover is a pseudonym of Stillwantmore, a previously banned member. He has a commercial interest in "The Penis Clamp" and previously had an interest in the “malehanger”. Please treat any of his posts with suspicion.

Never tried, probably never will. I’ve never been worried about porn addiction. Had I been browsing porn sites or just randomly watching porn between bouts of PE and the infrequent bout of masturbation I might worry but for me it’s very utilitarian; I use it for a purpose and when I’ve gotten what I want (good session of clamping and/or ejaculation) I have no need for it.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

I am very new to clamping, but I’ve tried both ways and the expansion just isn’t the same without porn.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Looking at this purely objectively, porn only adds a visual/psychological stimulus.

For me, porn was causing problems. I would typically masturbate to porn for 20-60 minutes before ejaculating because I wanted to condition myself to longer periods of stimulation.

Unfortunately, what I think I developed was a psychological dependence on it, as a stimulus. IMO, this is not good. I have since cut porn out of my “diet” (been porn free for a month) and I feel like my overall EQ and response to stimulus has improved (I.e. It’s easy to get boners).

I have only played with clamping a few times, but my dick gets so engorged it feels like the skin is stretching. I think being able to get that feeling without relying on porn is a good thing.

I’m not demonizing porn; after a few months, I’ll probably slowly reintroduce it back into my life, but mainly for “special” masturbation sessions. Relying on it for any natural body functions to occur is probably not a good thing, but I guess everyone is different!

05/06/2013: BPEL: 6.250" | MSEG: 5.125" | BPFSL: 6.250" | MSFG: 4.375"

10/15/2013: BPEL: 7.000" | MSEG: 5.375" | BPFSL: 7.563" | MSFG: 4.750"

Goals: BPEL: 7" ACHIEVED New goals: BPEL: 7.5" | MSEG: 5.75" | Brad the Bartender\'s Progress Log and Pics

I think I’m going to give clamping without porn a try. I honestly don’t see watching so much porn end well. I know because I’ve been there already (kind of) and I know how awesome sex feels when you don’t watch porn for a while. It’s as if your your senses down there heighten.

I can’t read this thread title without thinking of this song .

I’m much in agreement with everyone else. I think it’s quite possible to mix and match. You can watch a bit of porn, if you can also manage without it. Raptor is right, it’s all in the mind, but you might have to get your mind used to it. I think it helps if you view yourself as inherently sexy!

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally Posted by MassiveMike
I’ll second CoolBill, it’s possible. I gave up porn 8-10 weeks ago, partly because of reading several of the “porn detox” posts on this forum and partly because of a desire to know if I could do it. (It had gotten to the point that I felt too dependent on porn, and I didn’t like feeling that way.)

I’ve been doing some heavy clamping every day since June 3, and in these five weeks I’ve been mostly successful doing it without porn. I will admit there were several days when I was glad I wasn’t a jumberjack because I couldn’t find a log anywhere! Those days were very distressing to me, and I knew on many of them I could have been stroking a boner in 15 seconds if only I would visit a porn site.

I’m glad I chose not to “relapse” into porn, however, for a couple reasons: 1) What if porn was actually masking an underlying problem with declining testosterone levels? If my T isn’t where it should be, as I sometimes suspect, I want to know it! For the time being, I’m helping myself out in this area by taking libido-boosting supplements, including Maca, Pygeum, and Horny Goat Weed. These have helped a lot. 2) I’ve been learning to reprogram my brain about sex and masturbation, including learning to be more sensual with my own body and more imaginative with my mind. I’ve had GREAT fun discovering my nipples in new ways, and much to my surprise they keep getting more and more sensitive and sexual the more I stroke and play with them during my clamping sessions. My sexual fantasies still need improvement, but I’m getting better at producing them on my own rather than always passively observing them in a video.

Hang in there, UpTo7. You can do it!

I experienced some days of “porn detox”. My testosterone exploded that days and I fell very very horny.
Ever since I try to control the extremes of T hormone, neither too low neither too high.
Like you said, I’ve been learning to reprogram my brain about sex and masturbation.

nov.2010: BPEL 14,5cm; nov.2013: BPEL 17,5cm; aprill 2016: BPEL 18,5cm; First Goal: BPEL (20,5) MSEG (16,0) FL (15,0)

Maybe things have changed, but for wrapping (or otherwise holding some mild engorgement for a long time) or clamping (which shuts off all blood supply and forces a great amount of pressure into the shaft while the clamp is on), nothing more than a little fluff when applying was necessary. The rest you have no control over. Well, apart from avoiding getting an erection.

I spent some time clamping using a metal hose clamp tightened using a socket wrench over a wrap at the base to build a tremendous amount of pressure in the shaft. That’s clamping (on the extreme side). BTW, I got no long-lasting results as a result of those sometimes scary sessions.

What do you guys consider “clamping” to be? What exactly are you doing? I’ve probably done that too, but it’s not true clamping. Be careful of the terminology differences when searching.

For wrapping, the trick is, well, get in the same ideal state you want for jelqing. Engorged but not erect. Adjust your wrap or whatever constriction device you are using to build up enough blood in front of it to fill the shaft. But you aren’t the least bit “erect.” It’s a difficult balancing act. When close you may need to occasionally kegel while pulling the wrap rearward to add some pressure to the engorged shaft.

Again, what are you doing?

Originally Posted by hobby
Maybe things have changed, but for wrapping (or otherwise holding some mild engorgement for a long time) or clamping (which shuts off all blood supply and forces a great amount of pressure into the shaft while the clamp is on), nothing more than a little fluff when applying was necessary. The rest you have no control over. Well, apart from avoiding getting an erection.

I spent some time clamping using a metal hose clamp tightened using a socket wrench over a wrap at the base to build a tremendous amount of pressure in the shaft. That’s clamping (on the extreme side). BTW, I got no long-lasting results as a result of those sometimes scary sessions.

What do you guys consider “clamping” to be? What exactly are you doing? I’ve probably done that too, but it’s not true clamping. Be careful of the terminology differences when searching.

For wrapping, the trick is, well, get in the same ideal state you want for jelqing. Engorged but not erect. Adjust your wrap or whatever constriction device you are using to build up enough blood in front of it to fill the shaft. But you aren’t the least bit “erect.” It’s a difficult balancing act. When close you may need to occasionally kegel while pulling the wrap rearward to add some pressure to the engorged shaft.

Again, what are you doing?

Got to second what Hobby is saying here.
There’s a big difference between clamping in the original sense ie extreme ulis and what most people seem to do these days which is basically edging using a clamp as a cockring.
Bib always maintained that for extreme ulis you didn’t want or need a full erection or need any stimulation once clamped off.

For the record I’ve tried both and extreme ulis are way more intense. I also got no gains from either though.

I quit watching most forms of porn w/ the occasional relapse here and there. I eventually realized the core issue, and this is over-ejaculation, which should of been a total no brainer to realize but I like ejaculating. Since adopting the pop every other 2 days or else regimen nothing but good things have been happening. I can maintain a throbbing hard on while looking at solo girl stuff. Something I was never able to do before limiting ejaculating to 3 days a week. This has also solved the desensitization problem because you are way hornier when you don’t masturbate 2+ times a day. I think this can help me gain. It’s unhealthy to ejaculate more than 3 times a week from what I know anyways and that can’t be good for the bottom line fellers. I can clamp to the most vanilla stuff now. I bet I can clamp to a Playboy now.

Before: 7” bpel * 4.9” meg

Current stats: 8” bpel * 5.2” meg

5.5” beg; 4.5” geg

Originally Posted by hobby
Maybe things have changed, but for wrapping (or otherwise holding some mild engorgement for a long time) or clamping (which shuts off all blood supply and forces a great amount of pressure into the shaft while the clamp is on), nothing more than a little fluff when applying was necessary. The rest you have no control over. Well, apart from avoiding getting an erection.

I spent some time clamping using a metal hose clamp tightened using a socket wrench over a wrap at the base to build a tremendous amount of pressure in the shaft. That’s clamping (on the extreme side). BTW, I got no long-lasting results as a result of those sometimes scary sessions.

What do you guys consider “clamping” to be? What exactly are you doing? I’ve probably done that too, but it’s not true clamping. Be careful of the terminology differences when searching.

For wrapping, the trick is, well, get in the same ideal state you want for jelqing. Engorged but not erect. Adjust your wrap or whatever constriction device you are using to build up enough blood in front of it to fill the shaft. But you aren’t the least bit “erect.” It’s a difficult balancing act. When close you may need to occasionally kegel while pulling the wrap rearward to add some pressure to the engorged shaft.

Again, what are you doing?

Hobby, this is a little OT, but I was curious if you were ever able to gain girth from other forms of PE after you tried and failed with clamping. I did clamping for a long time and never gained either. Would be encouraging to hear that you had gained from something else afterwards, as I’m concerned clamping may have been counter-productive in my case (i.e., caused toughening but not growth).


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