Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Just ordered some cable clamps off eBay! Pretty excited :D
This will be my clamping thread, I’m not good at keeping threads running but I’ll try and get some good info and progress going :)
I’ll post again when they arrive, until then, who has clamping tips for me?
My stats are NBPEL 6-7” and MSEG apprx. 4.3”.
Length is still welcomed but that girth is just so ELUSIVE, it’s about time i gave clamping a real go, I’ve been at this for over a year now and so far I’ve tried erect squeezes and other similar things in lieu of clamping with no real gains. Just looking for an eventual .7” - 1” gain to put the old boy at average girth!

Edit: OH SHIT! Turns out it’s been more than two years! How time flies.

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

Go Slowly.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Since your girth is below average (like mine), See the thread on CLAMPING: Everything you wanted to know. I have a post on the last page which addresses my problem with the “blue” medium clamp which is slightly too big for me.

Good luck with your clamping routine. Easily my favorite exercise and the one that has given me the most gains.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

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6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

skeebo, how long did it take before you noticed an increase in expansion. I have been clamping for a little over a month, 2 day son 1 day off, take both sat and sun off. I have not really noticed an increase in expansion well maximum expansion since I started.

5 minute hot wrap
5 - 10 minutes stretching (assorted, incl. V and A stretches, straight in all directions etc.)
20 minutes jelqing with occasional uli’s or horse440’s to mix it up and get fresh blood in there.
3 X 10 minute sets of CLAMPING with 10 minute break in between sets
3 X 10 minute clamping rest breaks incl. jelqing and horse440’s.

Too intense? Remember I’m no newbie.

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

I think I might incorporate stretching before my sessions as well!!!

Good idea ;)

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

They have arrived, but I’m worried. The blue one looks to be too big for me and both of the others are definitely too small. Guess a thick wrap will make the small one better?

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

The blue one sorry*

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

Lots and lots of heat, and then more heat!!! Try some very gentle glans squeezes while clamping when you get used to it… it makes your penis look impressive and can show you potential girth gains.

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Originally Posted by sirmixalot
skeebo, how long did it take before you noticed an increase in expansion. I have been clamping for a little over a month, 2 day son 1 day off, take both sat and sun off. I have not really noticed an increase in expansion well maximum expansion since I started.

Sorry for answering your question so late, but I saw small gains within the first month. For me I saw an immediate spike in gains but then it slowed down afterwards (but I am still making gains nonetheless). Can you go into details of how you prepare for your clamping sessions?

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

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6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

Originally Posted by caboose2409
5 minute hot wrap
5 - 10 minutes stretching (assorted, incl. V and A stretches, straight in all directions etc.)
20 minutes jelqing with occasional uli’s or horse440’s to mix it up and get fresh blood in there.
3 X 10 minute sets of CLAMPING with 10 minute break in between sets
3 X 10 minute clamping rest breaks incl. jelqing and horse440's.

Too intense? Remember I’m no newbie.

I think you’ll find that three 10-minute clamping sessions will be enough stress on your penis. Let the rest periods be for rest and don’t do anything else during that time.

Thank you West and Herballist. The blue one will fit me easily with a sock wrap on :D

Nov '08: 6.5" BPEL X 4.3" MSEG / 4.83" Base Girth.... 4.565" AVG EG Based on 2 measurements

Nov '09: 7.0" BPEL (6.3" NBPEL) X 4.5" MSEG / 4.9" Base Girth.... 4.59" AVG EG Based on 3 measurements ~~~~~~~~~ Erect gains to date 1.55" X .4"

>>> Caboose\\'s Penis Enlargement Guide <<<

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