Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Close Call! Thankyou ThunderSS!!


Two pieces of advice to live by dude.

1) The only true secret is the one you have kept completely to yourself.
2) A computer is the worst place to keep what you thought was your secret.

Not to scare you, but you should be aware of how easy it is to see what you are doing on your computer. I am a computer geek/security specialist for a world-wide corporation. I wouldn’t need to have any access to your computer at all to see what sites you have been to. The proxy (hardware between you and the Internet) is great at picking up keywords like cock, penis, etc… With only network access to your computer (over your office’s LAN) I can look at all your files, read your email, or even watch exactly what you are doing at any given time without your knowledge. On a related note, I can also see who you have called, who has called you (even if they block the number), and how long you talked. It isn’t too far to the MDF where I can tap directly into your phone line. Some of this may be borderline or completely illegal for me to do, but you will never know I am doing it. Once I find a reason to fire you, I give HR one of 1,000 legitimate reasons for investigating you (anonymous person tipped me off maybe). Now I can officially use anything I have found against you. Maybe I will just copy your email address book and send a copy of Thunder’s weblink and your user ID to all of your friends, family, coworkers, and your boss. The subject of the email will read, “I have a small dick and want you to read about my obsession with it.”, and it will appear to have come from you (very easy to do). Maybe I’ll include specific links to some of your more colorful threads. Maybe I’m the computer guy from your office checking this site out now and noticing your post. Maybe tomorrow will be a very interesting day at work for you.

Anyway, you get my point. Most companies only look at your stuff if they have a reason to, many still do not keep records or have the ability to do it. Anyone visiting Thunder’s from work please be careful. I have sat in a room many times and watched a grown man cry because he was losing his $50,000+ a year job for doing something stupid. Maybe nobody cares that he was surfing a penis enlargement site or looked at a small bit of porn, but the company wanted to be rid of him and used whatever they could to do it. Maybe I felt really bad that my research got someone fired that I personally would not have fired. It doesn’t matter.

I don’t believe anything is wrong with Thunder’s at work if your company has a liberal Internet usage policy and you are watching what posts you follow, but I guarantee you if the shit hits the fan you will find it very hard to verbalize your defense of Thunder’s. I would stick with erectile dysfunction research if pressed. Bookmark a few posts about it in advance. Pity helps :)

I was a computer analyst for several years at a Big ass bank in Virginia. People got fired yes. They got fired for downloading and visiting rated X sites. They also had to go to a lot of rated X sites before they got shitcanned. I would agree that you are definitely being monitored if, to get out to the net, you get prompted for a username and pswd. Anyone that manages a Proxy server knows exactly what you are up to. But then they have filters setup to warn these admins about certain key words, and websites. I doubt seriously with all the friggin’ people in your company, Thunders Place is going to be flagged as a ‘nudey site’ but it as monsterjohnson said, it depends on the policy for your company.

What’s your company’s policy? I found out the bank fired people if they went to an ‘adult site’ several times in a week.

But often times these guys don’t look at a Thunders related site. They are looking for naked chicks and stuff. I doubt you will ever come on the radar screen for Thunders Place. There are naked chicks at Thunders but don’t look at the pictures. Steer clear of them at work.

What do other employees go to, ever see anyone else logging into non related work sites…?

Did you know your thread was going to be analyzed this much?? :)

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

What about using firewalls like Zonealarm on the PC you want to protect, or really hard stuff (programs) against sniffing from proxy’s, hackers?

BPEL 7.00 in (17.7cm) WANT 8 in (20cm)

If your on a network you are most likely watched to some extend and if they like you and you make them money they most likely look the other way except for something illegal or they can sued for. You can only protect yourself against things like key stroke loggers and stuff installed on your computer that is if you even have administrator rights to your own PC where I work the average user doesn’t. You need to run something to check your computer for spyware but that still doesn’t protect you from the network it can watch where you go and like monster said the computer people can read your email.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

As far as surfing the web it’s not a big deal at all in my office…just keep your door closed.
The Vice President send me B.S. all the time!

It’s only seven of us and we have all been here for years and have a family type of atomosphere.
None of that Big Bank Type Stuff with people leaning over your shoulders, watching your every move.

Stubby, I could have closed it out but this is the first time he has ever jumped on my computer while I was in the office without first letting me know.

CURRENT 04/11/2007 7.5 EBP X 5.25 EG Mid Shaft, 6.5 NBPEL!

GOAL 05/30/2008 8.5 EBP X 6.00 EG Mid Shaft, 7.5 NBPEL!

Originally Posted by LUI
What about using firewalls like Zonealarm on the PC you want to protect, or really hard stuff (programs) against sniffing from proxy’s, hackers?

You could use any program you like to put on your PC and it still would not stop me from seeing your Internet traffic over my network. We don’t use a proxy to watch our users Internet usage. We watch actual packets and block sites like XXX sites automatically without any user intervention. On a LAN no local firewall or any of those other programs that erases your cookie files loaded on a local PC will stop them from seeing everything you do. ;)

OH dont think emails are safe either because we can read them as well. :)

Originally Posted by monsterjohnson
Not to scare you, but you should be aware of how easy it is to see what you are doing on your computer. I am a computer geek/security specialist for a world-wide corporation. I wouldn’t need to have any access to your computer at all to see what sites you have been to. The proxy (hardware between you and the Internet) is great at picking up keywords like cock, penis, etc… With only network access to your computer (over your office’s LAN) I can look at all your files, read your email, or even watch exactly what you are doing at any given time without your knowledge. On a related note, I can also see who you have called, who has called you (even if they block the number), and how long you talked. It isn’t too far to the MDF where I can tap directly into your phone line. Some of this may be borderline or completely illegal for me to do, but you will never know I am doing it. Once I find a reason to fire you, I give HR one of 1,000 legitimate reasons for investigating you (anonymous person tipped me off maybe). Now I can officially use anything I have found against you. Maybe I will just copy your email address book and send a copy of Thunder’s weblink and your user ID to all of your friends, family, coworkers, and your boss. The subject of the email will read, “I have a small dick and want you to read about my obsession with it.”, and it will appear to have come from you (very easy to do). Maybe I’ll include specific links to some of your more colorful threads. Maybe I’m the computer guy from your office checking this site out now and noticing your post. Maybe tomorrow will be a very interesting day at work for you.

Ah yes, the infamous IT guys. Everything said above is true. Many IT guys are now using that as blackmail or for a power trip. It is disgusting. There are only a few remedies against this if you want privacy and no blackmail. You can either beat the shit out of the IT guys or bang their girlfriend. Other than that, it is a Mexican Standoff.

Formerly known as Sex&Guns. R.I.P.


Your right about a lot of IT guys but unfortunately a lot of IT guys are forced to spy by paranoid bosses. I can’t tell you how many time my ex boss used to make me search peoples computers for shit he could fire them for because he didn’t like them and thought they were out to get him. My ex boss used to call me his Seth lord you know the thing from star wars. I used to warn people all the time in round about ways it got to the point that he started sending drives out if I couldn’t find anything. But let me tell you one of his friends had a computer full of scat porn and he told me to delete it.

Excellent point thunder

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thunderbot 2.0 has a very good point. You could pay for a wireless(satellite) style connection service. But honestly it doesn’t sound like he has anything to worry about. He already said his boss sends him “questionable” stuff via email, and they’ve all worked there several years.

Maybe you could just tell you boss about Thunders…say you heard about it and thought it was bogus, and then you found out it was cool, and maybe he might also become a ‘strange guy in a dick-pulling website” yeah that’s the ticket.

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

Your right about a lot of IT guys but unfortunately a lot of IT guys are forced to spy by paranoid bosses.

I have to respectfully disagree my well endowed forum friend from NY. This is the biggest problems in evil corporations today. The corrupt high end guy getting the middle guy to f*ck the lower guy. It is a war for the minds of employees right now, and guys like you, and middle managers, are right in the middle of it. Technically, you could do the right thing and lie and say there is nothing going on. Because I believe the law is unless sexual harassment or violence is involved between employees, that stuff is confidential.

This is similar to middle managers having to make a choice to f*ck the lower guy, the same lower guy who helped that middle manager be promoted, or appease their new devil incarnate boss by doing immoral and evil things just to keep their paycheck a week or so longer and sell their soul to the devil. This is the battle that rages everyday at American Corporations everywhere. Call it a class system. And just like companies that outsource, companies that engage in shady accounting, this battle could be won by the good guys. All we need is a boycott, or a mass stand by all the low and middle level employees. What are they going to do, fire us all? But, the saying holds true from “That Book”. As long as the economy keeps sputtering around, and people have a paycheck, and their belly is full with food, very few Americans will take on that risk and that stand like Ghandhi did.

By no means am I telling you how to do your job, or what choices to make. But, there is a choice. And, notice how if your boss was really moral and cared about the company, he would have axed his friend too. Much like society as a whole and corporations in the big picture, this is not the case.

At my old company, many of these same IT guys who sell their soul are now having their job outsourced to India or Pakistan. A lot of good that did! They sold their soul, and then got burnt a week later. Was it really worth ruining the life of some guy who did not wrong but visit an adult site on his break, or typed an e-mail about politics when his work was done? I doubt it.

The point is this. There is always going to be x amount of good guys. There will always be y amount of bad guys. Generally, the y amount of bad guys are in power positions in corporations, so the good guys are already at a disadvantage. Then, there is the option factor. That is middle managers, and guys like you who have power into what people are doing. Surveillance, Proxies, whatever. If the option guys swing to the dark side to cover their own ass, the whole company and chemistry goes to shit. I’ve see it happen over and over and over again. If you guys swing our way, by lying a bit, or protecting the good guy, the battle swings in the favor of good. We can all sleep with ourselves at night without fucking the good guy for a few bucks or a shitty promotion. I believe there is always a way for the option guys to do the right thing, and still cover their ass. In your case, just say the sites were legitimate. Or, if he pushes you into a corner, blackmail his friend. Plant drugs in your bosses office and call HR to come down there so he gets fired.

Be it life, corporations, government, politics, sports, there are always the same scumbags and battles being fought. The problem is most of the good guys are not willing to take that step and do what is right to keep things honest and righteous. Sometimes, the good guys have to fight dirty like the bad guys. Yin & Yang, Right and Wrong, Light & Darkness.

Formerly known as Sex&Guns. R.I.P.

Last edited by Sex&Guns : 12-21-2004 at .

I hope you were able to print after I left. Call me tomorrow if you continue to have problems.


I have had at least one situation were I found minor things but chose to say I found nothing because in my opinion they guy was doing his job and not hurting anyone. They just decided to have a look themselves and fire him anyway…as well as wonder if I am really up to doing what is part of my job (not the main function though).


This is my MityVac pump, PetSmart cylinder fix for your suggestion. If your computer has a modem or you can get one into it, just plug into your phone line and dial-up your ISP from work. Dial-up speed should be fine for a clever text-based forum like this I would think. Caveat: Please make sure your phone is an analog phone and not a digital one before you fry your modem. Most faxes are analog. This could be cumbersome to make happen, but if all the pieces are in place already…


I am sorry for you experience as the low man getting fucked by the middle man. I sincerely hope he wasn’t a member of the Pumper’s Forum here! This is far from the biggest problem in corporations. The biggest problem with everything in this world is how little we care about each other. Corny, but true…and destined for another theological thread I am sure.

There is much to be said on this subject. More than needs to be said on a penis enlargement forum. Life is all about a investments in precaution to prevent possible consequences. Consequences are evaluated based on likelihood and severity. If I cross the street at 3am in the morning, should I still look both ways? The likelihood is that nothing will happen to me if I don’t look both ways, but the investment in looking both ways is very small. The severity of the consequence if I don’t look and a car is coming is huge. I look both ways, and I think most people would. So what am I rambling about? :) All I am saying is when the severity of the consequence is high and the investment in prevention is low, you are probably better off not letting the low likelihood sway you in the wrong direction.

Hasn’t everyone been treated unfairly at one point or another for doing something that wasn’t “normal”? Even if you didn’t break any rules?

Hey monster,

True, I had that set up at the last place I worked. I’m not sure how fast browsing this forum would be on a dial up now, it’s been a couple of years since I had to do that. Better than losing a job that you really want to keep though.

Thanks for bringing that option up.

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Ok, ok, I did it once from the fax machine at my desk <blush>. The speed was bearable. I have tons of stories about privacy issues at work as well as some crap I went through at home during my divorce. I’ll share one of these days.


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