Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Cock darker?


Originally posted by Stillwantmore
I personally have not heard ONE derragatory (negative) remark about my penis’ two-tone look.

I have gotten a few comments.

I think most of my discoloration has come from hanging.

I got mine from pumping. I havn’t pumped in 2 or 3 years but I still have the two tone tan. Jelqing may have made it a little darker but I think the Alpha Hydroxy lotion may have reversed some of it.

Originally posted by tallythwacker
I don’t mind the darker look, but I would like to get rid of the tan line, so to speak.

I feel the same way. The two tone look is really what bothers me, not the fact that it is darker.

Originally posted by secjay
I would rather have a huge hard dick attached to me, than a pretty little one.


Originally posted by Bib
I like it. Big and dark is much better than small and pasty white.

Definitely. The benefits of PE are worth some discoloration, even if it does turn out to be permanent.

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

Mine has speed stripes along each side (just kidding). LOL


The culprit I guess is the increased skin growth onthe shaft (due to jelq/stretching). Just pull the skin back and notice how it gets lighter when it’s kinda tight.

I think dry jelqing will put lesser tensile stress on the skin as compared to wet jelqing, which pulls the skin as a side effect. So maybe you should shift to dry jelqing instead of wet!

I don’t care if it is dark or light. The problem I have with the color change is that it is not uniform.

I bought some fade cream a while back, but decided not to use it because it seemed to me that the discoloration was a result of dried blood trapped under the skin showing through, rather than a problem with the color of the skin itself. This seemed to be born out by the fact that my discoloration was reduced somewhat after an extended low-pressure pumping session in which my dick became waterlogged. Presumably the water dislodged some of the dried blood and it receded with the water as the swelling subsided.

After reading some else’s positive experience with skin fade cream, I decided to try it. After a week or so, I am having some positive results with that too. Now I am a bit confused. I’ve had some success with both methods. Where IS the discoloration coming from? The skin itself, or debris under the skin. Funny how attacking it from either angle seems to have an effect.

Is it possible that the chemicals in the fade cream penetrate the skin and do more than just bleach the surface? It almost seems that way. Does anyone know what methods fade creams employ to reduce blemishes on other parts of the body? Is it more than a simple bleaching action?

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism

because it is the merger of state and corporate power."

-Benito Mussolini

A dark brown dick in America should be pretty popular.

A dark brown dick in Asia is not attractive to the ladies compared to a red dick. I was with a couple of gals on different occasions in Japan who had a Japanese phrase for it that translates into English as “glowing red god.” lol (true story)

Wow, thanks for the responses, guys. I’d say it’s pretty common then. And discoloration is also more noticeable when flaccid, and barely noticeable when erect.

I have the same problem but i use some vitamine E and it’s work real good.

I have a two tone penis myself, at the break of the circumcision line, where the bottom half is darker than the top half. Now, it has gotten slightly darker toned, although not by a lot.

Personally, I don’t mind the appearance of my dick, and besides, your penis is not supposed to be like a picture in a gallery to look at, well, to some extent, yeah, but mainly it is a pleasuring device for the women! :)

I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!

I’m having the opposite results….. the head seems to be darkening more than the shaft.

The effect is more pronounced right after a workout and seems to go away by the next one.

I think it may become more permanent as time goes on and I become more advanced.

I really don’t care, however, because like so many others here have said, I’ll take a big red penis over a smaller white one anyday.


>Sunless tanning oil maybe? LOL, just an idea?<

Not a bad one actually, it is the two tone (which seems to be quite common) look that is the problem, not the darkening, so a temporary darkening of the other skin before it gets whipped out might not be such a bad idea. Gotta get the tone just right, or its worse!


>I have gotten a few comments.<

What did they say, and what did you say back?

>I got mine from pumping.<

What pressure did you pump with?

>The two tone look is really what bothers me, not the fact that it is darker.<

Ya ditto, the ‘great divide’, as secjay calls it.


>After a week or so, I am having some positive results with that too. <

What cream did you buy and what are the active components?

>Now I am a bit confused. I’ve had some success with both methods. Where IS the discoloration coming from?<

I dont know but im working on that one…

>Does anyone know what methods fade creams employ to reduce blemishes on other parts of the body? Is it more than a simple bleaching action?<

There are some that work by blocking the production of the pigment melanin, the more melanin that is present, the darker the skin. I dont know how a bleaching action would work or where to get a cream that does that. At least, I cant find anything in one town on a little island.


Originally posted by SS4Jelq

>I have gotten a few comments.<

What did they say, and what did you say back?

I don’t recall the exact words, but they would point out or ask about the “two tone”-ness. My reply is that it is due to the circumcision.

>I got mine from pumping.<

What pressure did you pump with?

From what I remember, 5hg. Sometimes with water and a heating pad.

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof


well my dick is darker it started to change color when i became teenager.

some people have it naturally, my cock is tanned and it looks kinda nice when you are naked.

its no problem i think.

Looking to be a kiwi.

(i didn’t edit enough fast so i need to make another message.)

well in Finland where i live its very common to have that kinda dick it can be on genes, but my dick can be dark my balls are darker i have huge balls i think it comes here how much u grow and how fast u grow.

(once again sorry about my bad english)

Looking to be a kiwi.


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