Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

collagen / elastine and PE

collagen / elastine and PE


Does anybody know if there’s any positive effect in PE if you take
dietary suplements that contain Collagen & Elastine???

I’m currently working only on length.

I heard that it improves the conditions of elasticity and flexibility
of the skin, and conective tissue production.

Could it have beneficial PE results???


>Does anybody know if there’s any positive effect in PE if you take dietary suplements that contain Collagen & Elastine???<

I don’t think so. Elastin fibers in the penis are what causes retraction of the penis when flaccid. The more elastin, the more retraction. Growers.

Collagen is the tougher of the connective tissues. Ligs and the tunica are mainly collagen. This is what needs to be broken down, not made stronger.

Just my opinion.



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