Coming Out of the Closet
Well Fellas,
I came out of the closet yesterday and told my wife that I was PEing. I got the typical reaction, but I was firm and persistent. I told her that, like many guys, I was not happy with the size of my dick even if she was. I said that most people would like to change things about themselves, but they don’t always have the courage or commitment. She asked me how I do it. When I told her that I was hanging 20 lbs. off my dick, she about fell over. Anyhow, she said that it was OK with her and she would support me. She has even been asking me a lot of questions, and when I told her that Bigger got a 10.5 incher (4.5 inch gain) and that Tom Hubbard (or Bender) got almost a 4 inch gain, she smiled and said “Really? Wow!” We are on vacation at the beach right now and I got a couple of good hangs in this morning. I never would have been able to if I had not told her. I can see that I am going to have a lot more time to PE now. The moral of this story is - GO AHEAD AND TELL HER!
Happy PEing (I sure am!)
Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!