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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Condoms; TheyFit, and new alternatives

Condoms; TheyFit, and new alternatives

Just a heads-up.

Most of us who need to use them find condoms annoying on some level. Very often the issue is a good fit, no matter your size.

It’s official. TheyFit production ceased very quietly in about 2005 just as the partners were preparing to re-tool the factory and introduce a range of new sizes. (There were disagreements among them about directions the company should go.) For this reason, those TheyFit condoms still available from and a few other sources have immanent expiration dates (April 2010 seems to be the limit) as stocks of the various sizes are sold out.

There is, however, a promising alternative to a wide range of sizes from in Amsterdam. Here is a link to a page which will give you the old TheyFit options. Click on one and a suggestion will be offered. Or, download the measuring chart the site provides. They offer sizes larger and I think smaller than TheyFit did. The staff are very friendly and will even find you a size if you email them your measurements. The owner tells me they enjoy resolving a challenge.

I placed an order. Will let you know after they arrive and I’ve had a chance to road test them.



Nice, since I live in the neighborhood I actually stopped by one time, its a pretty cool shop. I guess I couldve mentioned that site on here but I did not think it would be cost effective for people outside holland to order from there.

So when I was at the shop, the cutie behind the counter was friendly indeed but I specifically asked for a condom with a large head (Like the inspiral ones), she advised me trojan magnum’s, I insisted a condom with a larger head, again I got the same advice and she told me its larger than regular condoms so it would fit a penis with a larger head, no kidding?

Im looking forward on how you like them.

What is interesting it that the measuring system on THEYFIT FitKit , it appears that my size O17 almost N17 that I am well above average although it measures something like 6.6 x 5.3. Was they fit for small dicks?

Too bad Magnums feel so crappy because they fit perfectly with their tapering - lots of head room (esp. for a guy like me with a smaller head) and tight at the base to prevent slippage. I like the tapered idea as opposed to the equal cylinder idea.

Start: 6.6bp x 4.875eg, 2006: 7.2bp x 5.00eg (5.5 base), 2009: 7.6bp x 5.25eg (6.0 base)

28876 28885

Originally Posted by Pillars

I did not think it would be cost effective for people outside holland to order from there.

Perhaps not cost effective if other options in the same size exists. But for plenty of guys standard, off the shelf, condoms simply don’t fit.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by workinit
What is interesting it that the measuring system on THEYFIT FitKit , it appears that my size O17 almost N17 that I am well above average although it measures something like 6.6 x 5.3. Was they fit for small dicks?

They make it cost-effective - and that is sensible when you are trying to make a profit in manufacturing. Most guys fit in the range you quote, or smaller. So, they go for their primary market.



I’ve road-tested some of these. What is important is to use the measuring guide they provide – you can download it – and measure upward _only_ from the place where a condom ring usually rests on your shaft. My base is wider so they always roll back uphill a ways.

Having something that fits better is not only a definite benefit during sex, but before, too. These are much easier to put on – no struggle getting the condom over the head for me, and less squeezed sensation during strokes. Next time I’ll order a length that’s shorter because with the model I bought, I end up with too much unrolled latex at the base ring.

They have a silicone type lube. I prefer something slicker, but you can always add your own. Sensitivity increases when you put a few drops of your lubricant inside the head end when you put the condom on.



As many of you know, condoms in the US are all quite similar in size. This is because they are regulated by the FDA as “medical devices” and must be a certain minimum length and (more important) must have a circumference between a certain minimum and maximum. I forget the exact numbers, but you can find them online.

This is why so-called “XL” condoms in the US are only marginally wider than regular condoms, and guys with significantly larger than average girth can’t find a good fit — and why brands like TheyFit can’t be sold in the US.

The good news is, you can have TheyFit or MySize (a similar German company) condoms shipped internationally to the US. I ordered the largest MySize condoms (the “69” size) from a seller on Amazon, and they arrived well-sealed in an envelope shipped from Turkey. They are MUCH larger than the largest American condoms, and finally I know what a condom is supposed to fit like, more or less. What a difference.

So if your girth is very small or very large, I recommend trying one of these custom condom companies, if you don’t mind paying the premium to have them shipped internationally.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

I use pasante super King (69mm). They are from UK, maybe easier to get hold of if you live in the us.

BPEL: 7.25"

HG: ~6.25" | MEG:6.25" | Low shaft EG:6.5" | BG: 7"

Originally Posted by Gyrta
I use pasante super King (69mm). They are from UK, maybe easier to get hold of if you live in the us.

Yes, 69mm is the maximum size sold by TheyFit and MySize also. Unfortunately, you can’t buy any condoms nearly so large in the US. I hope the FDA rules will change at some point!

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.


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