Thunder's Place

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confused and stressing about returning from break

confused and stressing about returning from break

Hey guys,

Before I start, yes I did search a lot about this subject and yet I still am not sure of what I should do. Well I started PE a year ago, did my newbie routine with resulted in no gains. Then I did Bird2’s length routine which consisted of:

Length routine:

7x3 min regular stretching
2x3 min inverted v stretching
2x3 min two way stretch
4x15 JAI stretches
10 min low intensity (20-40% erection) jelqing < —- I did dry jelqing instead.

In 3 months this got me a .5 inch length gain. Then for 2 months I had no gains so I switched to the Mem’s momentous rapid gain routine using arm aided A stretches instead. I’ve done this routine for the last 6-7 months and have gotten NOTHING from it. In the beginning I did get better erections and such but for the last month I’ve had bad EQ and this is why I have been on 2 weeks of decon break. Luckily I havent lost any gains yet.

Now this is what I am stressing out about. I don’t know what to do now. I’ve been thinking about going back to Birds routine, I’ve looked for other routines to stress the ligaments and gain length but I really just do not know where to go from here. I don’t want to over train and I want to start gaining again. I’ve put in so many hours of results-less work that it is very frustrating and I don’t want to fail again. Any advice for a hard gainer?

I think you should take more than a 2 week decon if you’ve been at it for nearly a year straight. 2 months IMO will be needed for the tissues to soften up to an acceptable level if you are a hardgainer. How long into the routine did you realize the .5 gain when you first started? Was it gradual or did it pop towards the beginning?

2 months huh? I really need that much? I just say that because I miss the post jelq plump and daily flaccid hang already after only 2 weeks!

The .5 inch gain just sort of sprung up the 3rd month into the Bird routine, I just started getting super good EQ and then one day it looked bigger and what do you know, boom, a half inch gain. I seem to walk on a fine line of over training because some months I’ll be getting really good EQ and then others not. I wish I could figure out exactly what I’m doing wrong and the best method to employ for myself but I guess I can’t analyze my own situation very well.

Anyway, thanks Brothers!


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