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copper and zinc cock and ball rings for growth


copper and zinc cock and ball rings for growth

Anybody have experience with these and is there somewhere I can go to buy one that is cheaper than Doc Blakoes out in England. Or is this just another scam? Feedback requested. best,JelkyWadHolmes

Tom Hubbards site has info also PE Forums has a lot of info on it

I am in the process of ordering the metals to build one myself…I experimented with powerful magnets for months, now this?…Maybe next I’ll just hook up a 9-volt battery…

For those with experience, I am buying these unless told otherwise…

Zinc Corrosion Inhibitor Plug 3/8” NPT, 3” Rod Length, 1/2” Rod Dia


Alloy 101 Oxygen-Free Copper Solid Rod 3/8” Diameter, 1’ Length

Both are only about $14US + shipping

All I need is the latex hose and I should have enough to build a few to experiment with…

Any suggestions?


You can pick from about 50 threads that discuss this topic found with this search.

Does ANYONE know where I can buy zinc in Sweden?

Finns det några snälla svenskar här?

The copper is not so much of a problem but the ZINC, fy fan!

Clas Ohlson don’t stock zinc wire…

Can you use galvanised chain?

Hjälp mig, hjälp mig, hjälp mig, hjälp mig, hjälp mig…hjälp mig…

You can find pure zinc(99,9%) in galvanoplastic industry. They probably have it in sphere. You then lathe it to a 3/8” x2” rod. I did it and work fine.


Guess what? I may have answered my own question. All tinkering aside, for those of us not so inclined to the Industrial Arts here is what I have lighted upon. Go to your local Rite Aid or large drug store and buy a Thera-P neoprene wrist wrap that is prepacked with 7 magnet pellets. Now drop into your local hardware store and often right at the front counter they sell super charged ceramic magnet coins. Buy 7 or 8 of them. Attach them to the magnets on the inside of the Thera-P band and then wrap and velco the entire unit around your cock and ball sack. Wearing one right now. Attaches very easily and wears very comfortably, not like having a ball pinching bent rod of copper squeezing the life out of your future children before they are born. What does everyone think? I know that if you hold just 2 of these ceramic magnets across from one another they create and significant and tangible charge between them. Only caveat is I do not know the exact composition of a ceramic magnet and will fire up a search for it on Google. I beleive however that this set up eliminates the need for being an industrial engineer with the usual garage full of tools,drills,and gadgets that only an engineer assumes the rest of the world both understands and uses. Sorry but it just ain’t so. Anyhow, this unit I beleive would easily create as much magnetic energy as one could safely handle without the hassle or the S&M Chastity strangulation. Comments? JelkyWadHolmes, closing in on the Mach9 barrier.

Simple design:

Cut a 1.5” x 1.5” square of copper and another of zinc. Roll each up into a cylinder. Thread a fuzzy pipe cleaner through each cylinder. Wrap pipe cleaner under ballsac and up around penis base. Adjust metal cylinders to where they are on opposite sides of penis base. Gently twist pipecleaner to comfortably fit. Tuck loose ends of pipecleaner into tops of cylinders. I have worn one all day and have not even noticet it was on. No discomfrot whatsoever. Not noticible to anyone else when you urinate in public. The copper and zinc sheets can be gotten at any high school science department. Just tell them you are experimenting with batteries…which you are. The ball zinger is a battery cell. MXL

I don’t think that using magnets causes the same effect as copper and zinc. Maybe the topic of magnets around the whole bundle deserves a brand new thread. Let’s call it the “The MagZinger - how to magnetize your dick”.

I really don’t know what the effect of wearing the magnets will be. Please Jerky, let us know what changes have you noticed. I am very curious. If it works, I will try it too.

Why go to so much trouble cutting 1.5” X 1.5” squares of copper and zinc and trying to roll them into perfectly smooth cylinders?. There will always be sharp corners, open cracks, and who know what. I think it will be a lot simpler to cut a 1.5” cylinder of solid copper and zinc and join them together using a rubber tube. That’s it. It’s a lazy man Zinger!

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!


Make sure that both the copper and zinc cylinders are 3/8” diameter. The rubber latex hose should be 3/8” OD and 1/4” ID. It is that simple.

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

lonelybb, thanks for the info…I ordered my parts and will give my 2 cents…I hope the results are better than what I had using magnets…

This is just my first day using ceramic magnets. I have no idea. Tonight I may even pinch some skin off at the base of my dick and put a small roll of magnet coins on each end. They stick together by attraction naturally and I assume that the current created brings blood flow to the penis. In fact if one used a large enough roll of ceramic magnets on either side from whatever angle on your dick they would stick to the skin by sheer attraction. Whether or not the current created is healing,stimulating or improves sexual function is another matter entirely. Blakoe makes many claims but then he is in the business of selling his device. If copper and zinc work it is simply by virtual of the current they create one would think. If you know there is a current there since you can feel it when you hold the magnets 2 inchs apart, it would seem to me the same purpose is served. who really knows? jelkywad

Jelky, If your assumption is correct and there is current created by the magnets, then you should be able to measure it.

You can easily measure voltage on the zinger by using a digital voltmeter. Can you do this with the magnets?

:sheepdo: BALLZINGER :sheepdo: :sheepdo:

Dedicated to Building the Perfect Zinger!

Didn’t know you had such a contraption. I have now learned that Neodynium Magnets are more powerful than ceramic magnets ounce per ounce. The coercive force they exert is 3x as much or so. They are used in small sizes in the Thera-P wraps at drugstores. Studies show that they enhance oxygen flow to the targeted area and may promote tissue generation due among other things to increased blood flow. The theory seems to be that the longer you use the product the more potent the effect. They have them in back braces,mattresses,for elbows and knees and headaches. So why not for creating a new race of super hung freaks who drag their swollen,distended members around in Ralph shopping carts? Seems only logical. JelkyWadHolmes

To round out the regimen, clasping a magnetized bracelet like the kind they sell for 20 bucks in Rite Aid around the neopreme strap might just up the intensity and benefit. In a month or so I’ll get back to those who are interested. JelkyWad


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