Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Covering my tracks


Covering my tracks

I do my routine in the morning, so I’m usually still half-asleep when doing PE. And when I stretch, I write little tick-marks down on a piece of paper to keep track of my reps, while I’m reading through the forums. So in front of my computer, I have this postcard that has a bunch of tick-marks on it, and when my girlfriend was on my computer, she said, “What’s with the marks?”

“Ugh, I just do that when I’m bored when I’m on the phone with Mom.”

She bought it, but I gotta really start covering my tracks better. I always stash the baby oil, delete the History on my computer - you know, all the big stuff that could raise questions. Never thought the little stuff would do it, though.

What is greater the fear of embarresmant being caught or working up the courage to tell her? Till then cover your ass my friend.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

How are you erasing the history? I am thinking that I will do this as good.



I don’t think I’d be embarrassed if I was caught, but I sure wouldn’t want to have to explain it all. I’d rather keep it to myself.


For Internet Explorer, go to:

Tools > Internet Options > Delete Files

Tools > Internet Options > Clear History

Cool. Thanks. SS

THe history in IE for the last 24 hours is still there.

SWM is right. And, if you know how to look for it, there’s a lot more than that.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

Download WindowWasher from It will erase ALL tracks including your temp internet folder. There’s a great bleach function that will make the files it deletes unrecoverable. The copy on is only an evaluation and you’ll eventually have to buy it. You can also download a free pirated version from Kazaa (although I didn’t tell you to).

Now, that’s a cool link Thunder. :up:

I guess the main thing I’m concerned about is the drop down address field being clean, and if you type in “www.t” it doesn’t show up as Deleting the files and clearing the history does this, but should I be worried about it showing up somewhere else that I don’t know about? (besides cookies) She only gets on my computer to check her e-mail and stuff like that.

Well, if you write it in the ‘Address’ slot, it will come up on in the history of the site’s you’ve visited that you wrote directly into the slot. This is if you use Internet Explorer, not AOL or anything else. To erase this, click on ‘Tools’ and scroll down to ‘Internet Options…’. Once that comes up, there will be a “History”, click on ‘Clear History’ to the right. That will delete it as well as all the things in your History folder….


You can stop the “” from showing up in internet explorer 6 when typing a URL by doing this:

tools menu > Internet options > content tab
then under personal info click the auto complete button then in the frame labled “use auto complete for” uncheck “web addresses”. Click OK

Now clear your history and click OK

If you download and install tweakUI from microsoft on the paranoia tab of TweakUI you can set it to clear you history for you every time you log on/off of windows but you still would need to stop auto complete on web pages too.

Last edited by miguel27 : 08-30-2003 at .

I use internet sweeper, free and works well:

Check it out guys, no need to have a big dick if you ain't gonna use it!!

Originally posted by MX

SWM is right. And, if you know how to look for it, there's a lot more than that.

Not with my 2000 Pro. Also, I go to Start / Settings / Control Panel / Internet Options….

There, I click “Clear History” - which removes all visited URLs from your browser’s address window (which can be very embarrassing).

After each PE forum session, I delete “Recent,” “Cookies,” “Temporary Internet Files,” “History,” and do the “Clear History.” Then I go to the Recycle Bin & dump it all….and I’m good.


Both your pic and sig are really funny. You must be a computer guy… And C too! Very nice… Here’s one for ya:

the_answer = the_question ? PE : !PE


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

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