Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dangleboy is back as "Dangleman"

Dangleboy is back as "Dangleman"

Some of you old PE Forum vets will remember me from there - I remember many of you and am glad to see you over here at this fine PE community! My old name was “Dangleboy”, but the registration system here wouldn’t take anything with “boy” in it for fear of perverts, so my new incarnation is
“Dangleman”. Anyway, I am glad to be here and glad to be back in the fold!

I did one year of PE about 3 years ago; I reached 8 1/8” inches in length from about 7.25 starting, but got NO girth gains. I am back for girth this time. Wish me well, and let me know of any SUPERB girth techniques I might not know about. I have been doing squeezes over the past couple of weeks since seeing so many guys doing that now for girth . .

Hi Dangleman,

Welcome to this place.

We have most of the standard girth exercises on video in the Tutorial forum (except for the Horse440).


Hey bro welcome to thunders. I really missed you bro I’m glad your back and posting and doing PE.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Glad you made it over dangleboy… This is really a great site.

There are a lot of exercises that have surfaces since you disappeared from PE forums. Do a search for cable clamps for a safer “Uli thing”, also Horse440 squeezes are good.

Stick around this time, OK?



The horse is an excellent girth exercise, just be careful

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Yup I remember you. After disappearing for a few years, glad that you’ve made it back.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

At 8-1/8”, “Boy” wouldn’t have been appropriate anyway, now would it? :)

I’m curious: after taking 2 years off, how much of your gains did you retain?

After a couple of weeks back at PE, my length gains are totally back. They diminished maybe 1/8” but came back fast after I restarted.

Never had girth gains, so there was nothing to lose. Got about 1/8” immediately though as a result of the normal “recharge” you get from PE, from just having fuller erections.

Going for GIRTH. And yes, am using a velcro strap I got at Home Depot to clamp off at the base so I can free that hand and concentrate on moving blood around in my swollen unit with various squeeze techniques.

Thanks Dino, Size, YGuy. Good to hear from you!


Welcome to Thunder’s Place. I remember you from the old PE Forums. I was hoping you’d make your way over here after I saw your “I’m back.” post there. For those of you who don’t know, Dangleman was the originator of the famous “Pocket Pull” fluffing exercise. Are you still doing the Pocket Pull? Please post it here for the benefit of all.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

"Pocket Pull"

Originally Posted by J Meister
“Pocket Pull” fluffing exercise.

Tell me more….


The Pocket Pull

I discovered that when I had reasonably loose pants on, it was extremely easy for me to put my hand in my pocket, grab my unit and stretch. I could do this on and off all day long, even while walking down a hallway, with nobody noticing. The best way to grab it is this way - put your hand in your pocket and try it:

You grab it with your four fingers, NOT your thumb, as it is awkward to try to work your thumb around it. Put your hand in your pocket and basically lay your four fingers along the top of your shaft; now wrap them around and grip. You will have a strong grasp for pulling. It gets to where you do this without thinking, throughout the day, so you can be at work, etc. and be stretching without having to be at home with a hanger, privacy, etc. I think this helped me a lot in getting to over 8 inches.

I have only done this with boxer type underwear. Don’t know if it would be possible with tight ones!


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