Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Did Your Flaccid Hang Gain More or Less Than Your Erect?


Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer
Hate to break the news to you, but your not going to increase your flaccid size, it is what it is. Your improved erect length is the result of showing more of your inner penis and any improvement in flaccid is only a result of conditions that result in your penis’ ability to hold more blood. Your flaccid variation will be relatively the same that it was before you started a PE program.

I have to disagree with you as well.

I started PE in May 2009. My flaccid hang is ~.75” longer, and my flaccid girth is ~.25” more.

My glans is also bigger, both when flaccid and engorged. The larger size of my glans also contributes to the extra length and has nothing to do with stretching of the suspensory ligament allowing more penis to be exposed outside of the body.

Furthermore, A-stretches, V-stretches, and semi erect bends — stretch the tunica in both width and length, not the suspensory ligament.

Kdong Starting: 7.1 x 5.125 vol = 14.84 cu. in. Current: 7.1BPEL 5.5 MSEG = 17cu. in. GOAL --> 8.5 x 6.5 vol: 28.6 cu. in.

Took Time off, lost some gains-- Girth cemented

No PE since 2015 -- starting back up

I’ve gained over an inch and a half in BPEL 6.8 to 8.5, .4 inches in girth 5.7 to 6.1, and my flaccid has in general gained an inch as well.

Before I was definitely a shower, with a flaccid around 4 (sometimes a little larger, sometimes a lot smaller), now my flaccid is around 5 to 5.5 ( it can occasionally shrink down to 4, but it can also quite often hang around 6 to 6.5 as well.

I agree with everything mentioned, but one other thing I wanted to add as something to help is the Autoexleeve. I wear it religiously for 8 to 12 hours after my workout with either the 5 or 11 oz weight.. Forcing your cock to hang down at 6.5 inches for 8 hours after your workout, is a great idea

Originally Posted by Lonelysurfer
Hate to break the news to you, but your not going to increase your flaccid size, it is what it is. Your improved erect length is the result of showing more of your inner penis and any improvement in flaccid is only a result of conditions that result in your penis’ ability to hold more blood. Your flaccid variation will be relatively the same that it was before you started a PE program.

I also disagree,
I’ve had gains with my flaccid penis, not only but they happend much faster than the gains on the erect.

Le bump…..moar flaccid gain stories plz!!! I saw noticeable flaccid gains while jelqing for four months (overzealous jelqing though)…would pull my pants down to piss at work and my jaw dropped at one point. I spent several minutes holding my dick noticing the heaviness yet complete flaccidness of it. I look at my dick in a mirror and from above every day often, so this was very distinct and noticeably larger.

Had to stop due to injury, never had any real solidified gains. So would like to hear more stories.

PS dont let my story of no gains and injury get you down - I was dumb when I started. Honestly I think almost everyone is, especially if you’re young and in a hurry for a bigger dick.

My flaccid is FAR larger than it was three years ago when I began PE.

And recently since I took a break its been fatter all day.

I have been drinking tea made from ginko biloba, rhodiola, damiana and ginseng, which might have something to do with it.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"


May I ask.. Your stats is it Bpel or not..I hope you don’t mind me asking?

Start date ? Going to say sept,2012

BPEL 7"- NBP 5.1/4"- BEG 6"- MEG 5.5" need to lose 60lbs to kill my pad!! How much length can I get if a lose 60lbs?

Originally Posted by djufo
Mine hangs like 6” flaccid. I’d like to hang like 7.5-8, and go erect 9.5-10”


Es cierto ahora en el frio se hace un poco mas dificil trabajar con el falo

I only started PE about a month ago. (Made a thread about my results.) My flaccid is definitely bigger, both in length and girth. I feel like a kid with a new toy! Lol I truly wonder what the future holds.

My flaccid hang is way much bigger before started PE.. I have PE: ing over an year now and I have gained from under 4.5” to 6.9 ” flaccid and over an inch erect lenght. And I’m still gaining.. I wonder how much the gains will go?! ..I love to do PE and I think I I’m gonna do it rest of my life.. I must say thanx to TP! :-)

Who says you can’t reach the stars? If we go like this, learning more about PE, our bodies, health, sexual life and all that. I can not se an limit! I can’t se an end, just a new beginning.. :-)

Starting size: 7.48" X 5.51" Currently: 10.1" X 6.4"

Heat is the key!


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