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Difference between clamping and hand turnicate

Difference between clamping and hand turnicate

Is there any functional difference between forming a turnicate grip around base with your fingers and clamping? It seems like people talk about and do clamping quite a bit but I haven’t ever seen anyone talking about what seems like the same thing only using your hand instead of a clamp. How are the two functionally different?

The grip is tiring. But gaining with it is possible.

You don’t have to use wrapping for the grip, either.

Start: 6.9 BPEL x 4.9 (17,5 x 12,5 cm)

Now: 7.7 BPEL x 5.7 (19,5 x 14,5 cm)

So they are the same then. Good. Because I don’t have clamps. I do get quite an aching around wear form grip though. Does this indicate I am gripping too tightly or is aching common?

Originally Posted by vkn1
So they are the same then. Good. Because I don’t have clamps. I do get quite an aching around wear form grip though. Does this indicate I am gripping too tightly or is aching common?

Aching is common, it indicates that the hand is tired. I want to point out to you that clamping with a network cable or even the wire of a plug can be used.

I meant aching of the dick, emanating from wear being gripped by hand. Does the fact that I am causing aching mean I’m gripping too hard? The aching goes away immediately once I release grip.


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