Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


I Might Be Screwed, Permenantly discolored?

Ok heres the deal I have had great sucess in removing about 99 percent of my discoloration although the last few spots WILL NOT go away. I have done several burns but to no effect! I am burning them good I am using an 18 percent salicylic acid solution leave it on about 7 minutes or so with a good frosting. ANY SUGGESTIONS PLESASE! This has had a hugeeeeeeee NEGATIVE effect on my PE, so remember if you see any discoloration do not get greedy, stop until it goes away or start burning right away!

Starting Stats: 6.5 Inches In Length By An Estimated 4.75 - 5 inches in girth

Current: 8.00 x 6-6.25 Inches In Girth

Goal: 8.75 length x 6.75 girth Although at this point seems impossible with slowing gains.

It would seem that your trend for going overboard in getting the discoloration in the first place is now being transferred to your use of salicylic acid. Stop all of your drastic actions and just let some natural healing take its course. Patience is now required.

Not everyone has to go way overboard to get bad discoloration. For some it occurs easily.

Sudomma, I can’t remember what peeling you’ve done. Please post some links or otherwise bring me and others reading this up to date.

Pictures if possible would be helpful too. Post them in the Member Pics forum and put a link in this thread.

How dark are your remaining spots? The last bits are the most difficult to target. You end up getting a good peel around them, yet the darker bits don’t want to burn off.

If your current problem spots are stubborn remnants of your original discoloration (not new problems caused by a bad reaction to overburning), increasing the burn depth should help.

Originally Posted by hobby
If your current problem spots are stubborn remnants of your original discoloration (not new problems caused by a bad reaction to overburning), increasing the burn depth should help.

That’s exactly what it is, they are faint but still visible they keep getting fainted but still seem slightly noticeable. How do I deepen the burn?

Starting Stats: 6.5 Inches In Length By An Estimated 4.75 - 5 inches in girth

Current: 8.00 x 6-6.25 Inches In Girth

Goal: 8.75 length x 6.75 girth Although at this point seems impossible with slowing gains.

Originally Posted by Sudomma
That’s exactly what it is, they are faint but still visible they keep getting fainted but still seem slightly noticeable. How do I deepen the burn?

You’re overreacting, imo. If they’re faint, you probably fall now into the very large group of men who have some sort of “natural” discoloration somewhere on their cocks.

Watch your routine. As has been said above, some men discolor easily.

I have a good friend who has facial peelings done more frequently than most would consider doing that. From about 5 feet away, she looks marvelous. But move close to embrace her at a party for one of those polite “air kisses” that protect women’s makeup and you think: “Oh, God. Am I going to crack her face if I do this!?”



Discoloration - Thread Link

I dont know it seems much worse in person when i look at the discoloration, It’s barely noticeable here. I can see alot of spots the camera did not pick up, of course everyone thinks I am crazy at this point hahaha.

Starting Stats: 6.5 Inches In Length By An Estimated 4.75 - 5 inches in girth

Current: 8.00 x 6-6.25 Inches In Girth

Goal: 8.75 length x 6.75 girth Although at this point seems impossible with slowing gains.

You are definitely overreacting.



Not for nothin but I’d take a half green half magenta colored dick if i had your size, as long as it was functional. Just be grateful, you’ve got an amazing result do to PE. Don’t stress little discolorations like that. Just say their Beauty Marks. Good Luck.


The key to success in anything in life is CONSISTENCY!- Anthony Ellis

Success comes to those who become success conscious.

Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious.- Napoleon Hill

Your skin looks fine to me in your pic. It’s easy to become overly nitpicky when you’re almost finished peeling. I did. You’re used to looking for the darkest areas. Something that in reality is only a slight blemish seems much worse to you than it really is. Chances are your shaft skin wasn’t 100% perfect before you started PE.

To burn deeper you could do two applications in one sitting. Apply, wait, wipe/rinse it off, then immediately do the same again on the same area. Or you could shorten the time between peels. Be careful not to overdo any of this. You don’t want scar tissue or pigmentation problems.

Usually the skin surrounding the little dark bit you’re trying to hit will get fried the most while the target mostly escapes. I don’t know why. It is frustrating.

In your position I’d probably call it quits. Maybe those little areas are only apparent when contrasted against some remaining “new skin pinkness.” Color tends to even out over time.

Thanks for all your help hobbes, I would be forever screwed without you, sitting here with a black dick in my hand.

Starting Stats: 6.5 Inches In Length By An Estimated 4.75 - 5 inches in girth

Current: 8.00 x 6-6.25 Inches In Girth

Goal: 8.75 length x 6.75 girth Although at this point seems impossible with slowing gains.

Originally Posted by Sudomma

Ok heres the deal I have had great sucess in removing about 99 percent of my discoloration although the last few spots WILL NOT go away. I have done several burns but to no effect! I am burning them good I am using an 18 percent salicylic acid solution leave it on about 7 minutes or so with a good frosting. ANY SUGGESTIONS PLESASE! This has had a hugeeeeeeee NEGATIVE effect on my PE, so remember if you see any discoloration do not get greedy, stop until it goes away or start burning right away!

What is the problem? The acid must have worked for you. I was terribly discolored — discoevered Hobby’s great post on how to remove the discoloration. It took two applications of the acid, and it worked. If you are at 99%, you are there. What remains after the 99% removal of hemosiderin that causes you stress?

3 or 4 dots of discoloration, it just annoys me.

Starting Stats: 6.5 Inches In Length By An Estimated 4.75 - 5 inches in girth

Current: 8.00 x 6-6.25 Inches In Girth

Goal: 8.75 length x 6.75 girth Although at this point seems impossible with slowing gains.


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