“What you think about, comes about.”
That gem of advice was given to me by my wonderful father during one of our sporadic father-son talks. He said he’d heard it somewhere when he was younger and it struck a cord with him, so he applied it to his own life.
I’m going to give an illustration and then explain what I mean.
Imagine you have a rubber band wrapped around both your hands, palms flat against one another. What happens if you pull the right hand away from the left hand but try to keep the left hand stationary? (It may be helpful to actually get a rubber band and attempt this.)
After a relatively short distance it becomes more difficult to pull the right hand to the side. However, if you persist, your left hand eventually will begin moving towards your right hand.
Now, what does that mean? Play with this idea and see what it brings for you. (The concept of playing is important. Life is intended to be fun in my perspective. When you are “playing” with a new concept or idea your subconscious allows more leeway because after all, “You’re just playing.”)
Let’s call your right hand your “vision” and your left hand your “reality”. Now if all you envision is your reality than guess what, nothing happens. (Your hands don’t move.)
However, if you change your vision to something you want (Pull the right hand away from the left hand.) and persist with that vision (Continue pulling even though nothing is happening yet.) eventually your “reality” is going to move towards your “vision”. (Your left hand will move towards your right hand.)
What you are doing with negative visualization is you are pulling your reality towards that negative. The mentality is, “I have a small penis, I’ve always had a small penis, and nothing I ever do will change that.” So guess what? You make it true! (Not going to provide the research behind this theory because it would make my post even longer but please trust when I say there is solid logic and research backing this up. Besides, we’re just “playing” with the idea for the moment.)
“What you think about, comes about.”
So how do you move from a negative vision to a positive one? Easy, replace it on a moment-to-moment basis.
Instead of telling yourself the negative, I have a small penis, crap take a moment to imagine what would look like a big penis to you. (Find a picture online. Find an object in real life that could be representative of it.)
Imagine yourself with that penis or with your penis the size of that object. Every time you hear yourself say, “I have a small penis.” or make some kind of joke or even just a thought or worry about having a small penis, stop for 5 seconds and imagine the bigger penis you want. (It’s important to imagine yourself as already having it.)
You’ll feel weird doing this. It is not easy. Your ‘logic’ side will say, “But I don’t have that!” Please, keep with it. (This is the stretching of the rubber band. It can be uncomfortable.)
The most difficult part about this is being aware of the negative vision popping up and immediately replacing it with the positive one. Eventually, it becomes second nature. At first, it’s very difficult.
Will this change your life and get you the big penis you’ve always wanted? I don’t know. However, I’ll hazard an educated guess that it will.
“What you think about, comes about.”
Works for me.
Darklin Sithas
Darklin Sithas