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DLD Bundle's and exit angle with LOT

DLD Bundle's and exit angle with LOT

Hey guys I have just restarted my PE’ing and after all this reading on the Bib’s LOT theroy, I have been thinking that DLD Blaster or Bundle Blaster cause exit point at the base to stretch directly out (90 degree angle from body) instead of directly down (like you would hang).

I’ll explain further…

When you make the wristwatch style “A” stretch to do the Blasters or Bundled Blasters, the arm that is doing the “wristwatch” is making the penis curve up and over the “wristwatch” arm.
__This action (as opposed to the direct “down to the ground” stretch) causes the the angle at which the penis comes out at the base to be more higher than a normal “down to the ground” style stretch.

Will this be not stretching the ligs as much, and would it be wiser to be just pulling straight down (still twisting the penis)?


Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!


I have thought the same thing, and have done my A stretches with my arm on top and pressing down every other stretch for that very reason. Never did think to mention it here though. Excellent post. Anybody else have any ideas on this?

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

Unfortunately, I’m not big enought to do the A-stretch. I can’t get the grip right. I need a few more inches first, I suppose.

Bundled stretches IMO are designed for tunica stretching in the first place, at least I thought so. Than again, it’s been said (was it great Bib?) that tunica and lig stretching would be more effective if done separately. Conclusion: If you pull straight down while bundled, partly the ligs will take the pull, partly the bundled tunica will take the pull. The bundling has the purpose to expose the tunica to more force. Letting the ligs take some of the force is contra productive IMO. Better do bundled stretches straight out… just my theory :-Y

...not buried yet, another 5" ahead!

KPR 0.072 @ Dec. 4, 2003

PirateSteve, I did try doing the inside-out “A” stretch (arm on top) also but I thought that this would put pressure on the dorsal nerve.
__But then again I am twisting the goddamn thing aren’t I? :D

It just seems that DLD made these stretches before the LOT theroy was thought of.

When I do do a normal DLD Blaster or Bundle Blaster as DLD described it I do get a great feeling of stretch :up:
__But this may be my tunica because according to the exit point at the base and my LOT, this stretch is above my LOT!
__Therefore this should hit primarly the tunica and this may be the sensation of stretch that I feel?

But by pulling straight down (twisted as well as non-twisted) I get sorness at the base mostly.
__This is probably thie ligs? :)

I have tried doing the whole normal DLD Blaster and Bundle Blaster with my arms behind my legs in order to lower the angle as mucg as I can, but it is still not as far as I can get with the reguar hanging style “down to the ground” stretch.

DLD pushes his Blasters as ones for the ligs, but I am not so sure when I do all this thinking.

But surley a fulcrum is important too.
__Mabye i’ll do it inside-out like PirateSteve?


Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Originally posted by L born XXL buried

Bundled stretches IMO are designed for tunica stretching in the first place, at least I thought so. Than again, it's been said (was it great Bib?) that tunica and lig stretching would be more effective if done separately. Conclusion: If you pull straight down while bundled, partly the ligs will take the pull, partly the bundled tunica will take the pull. The bundling has the purpose to expose the tunica to more force. Letting the ligs take some of the force is contra productive IMO. Better do bundled stretches straight out… just my theory :-Y

When you say “bundled” you mean “twisted” right?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Originally posted by cascade
When you say “bundled” you mean “twisted” right?


A-stretch is pretty much the same as Straight Out (SO), but the A-stretch adds more tension. “SO” stretches are used to stretch the tunica.

With the arm on top it’s considered a V-stretch. V-stretch is a form of Straight Down (SD). “SD” Stretches work the ligs.

Although it is believed you should work ligs and tunica separately. I always add a couple tunica stretches in my routine. But my main focus is on ligs right now.

Needs More Power

elite 8

Last edited by elite8 : 10-22-2003 at .

>>>>Will this be not stretching the ligs as much, and would it be wiser to be just pulling straight down (still twisting the penis)?<<<

I believe so.

I forgot to add that when I do bundles I don’t use the “A” stretch. I always pull in Straight downward angles for the reasons I stated above.

Needs More Power

elite 8

elite8, XXL stated that twisting the penis is really a tunica stretch and not for the ligs
__So I guess that when you say

I forgot to add that when I do bundles I don’t use the “A” stretch. I always pull in Straight downward angles for the reasons I stated above.

you are doing this to benifit the tunica?

I presume then that twisting the penis won’t help the ligs at all (can’t twist the ligs, in other words)

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

>>you are doing this to benefit the tunica?<<

Not exactly.

The reason why I do bundles is because, yes it does hit mostly the tunica but I believe it also hits the ligs. I believe that it hits the part of the ligs that are’nt being stretched with just the standard SD stretch. So although yeah it is mostly a tunica stretch I believe it also stretches some “neglected” areas of the lig.

I also believe the dick adapts to stress so when you apply something different on it it “keeps it guessing” so to speak. I also like it to break the monotony. I don’t do them on a daily basis.

But I do’nt neglect the tunica completely.

Like I said above

“Although it is believed you should work ligs and tunica separately. I always add a couple tunica stretches in my routine.”

I do follow the LOT theory but I don’t think a few minute on the tunica would hurt anything IMO. Also PE is not an exact science and for that reason I choose not to completely neglect the tunica.

My stretch routine

Needs More Power

elite 8

elite8, you have convinced me to add some SD bundles into my routine :thumbs:

Also this is the stretch that I love Still’s Manual BTC Lig Stretch

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

Originally posted by cascade
elite8, you have convinced me to add some SD bundles into my routine :thumbs:

Also this is the stretch that I love Still's Manual BTC Lig Stretch

Yeah I tried this. This is a great one! :D

Needs More Power

elite 8

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