Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Do skinny guys have a good NBP?

Do skinny guys have a good NBP?

For you skinny guys out there, what is the difference between your BP and NBP?? and how much bodyfat do you have (estimate)??

Ive gained alot of weight in the last little while and fat pad is about 1”, id really like to get that down to 1/2” by cutting up.. do you think thats possible?

whats the thinnest you can get your fat pad?

I’m 7 % bf year round so my NBPEL and BPEL are quite the same.

You can get your fat pad really low by losing weight, but sadly enough, the fat pad on your pubic bone is one of the last ones to go. I have 8% right now and I still have a fat pad of 1/2”.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

I think it’s quite individual aswell.. I’m not fat _at all_ and my fatpad is about 0.5-0.6” or so.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

Definitely individual. I am fit (close to getting that six pack) but I still have a .8” fat pad. It is all how different bodies distribute fat.

I’m scarecrow thin and I still have nearly a full inch of fat pad. It’s not all about toal body weight.

Originally posted by deSol

I'm scarecrow thin and I still have nearly a full inch of fat pad. It's not all about toal body weight.

i agree its about bodyfat % not bodyweight.. you can be thin while still having a normal or even high bf %, just depends on your bone thickness and muscle mass

my bodyfat percentage is around 10% and my fat pad is an inch and five eighths. I have no rational explanation for this, but my bpel and bpfsl keep getting longer, and nbpel doesn’t budge.

I don’t know my bodyfat percentage, but it’s low. My fat pad is 0.5”. Regardless of whether pubic fat pad thickness is majorly affected by overall weight loss or gain, one’s dick will appear bigger if attached to a trim body. Most women I’ve been with have called my penis huge, and I have to assume that my skinniness is a big factor in this perception, considering where I fall on the bell curve.

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Im quite thin as well and my fat pad is about an inch or so

To answer your initial question; skinny guys have a good NBP if they have a long penis.

One foot to go

Originally posted by soflsun

To answer your initial question; skinny guys have a good NBP if they have a long penis.

what if they reattach the skin at the base to the head?? :)

then they would have 0

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