Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Do you agree with these unit descriptions

This is an interesting post and, since girth had been mentioned, I figured why not do this for girth as well.

Would most guys agree with this?

5+” = Nice
5.5+” = Big
6+” = Huge
6.5+” = Fucking huge

I agree. I think your 1/2” girth increments correspond well with the 1” length increments.

In bodybuilding, it’s said that all parts of the body should be developed equally. A big chest and big shoulders with thin legs would look too out of proportion on stage. He might appear as a pelican. Comparing that to PE, using the nbpel and girth charts presented in this thread, shouldn’t a guy that wants to stop at a “big” length of 7 nbpel also set his goal for “big” girth of 5.5”, and not fucking huge 6.5” girth. Can this really be compared to bodybuilding?

Damn I’m just a nice guy but I do have a big to huge head. Microbrew is your size 6 3/4 (bp or nbp) x 5?

All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.

Originally Posted by beenthere
I agree. I think your 1/2” girth increments correspond well with the 1” length increments.

In bodybuilding, it’s said that all parts of the body should be developed equally. A big chest and big shoulders with thin legs would look too out of proportion on stage. He might appear as a pelican. Comparing that to PE, using the nbpel and girth charts presented in this thread, shouldn’t a guy that wants to stop at a “big” length of 7 nbpel also set his goal for “big” girth of 5.5”, and not fucking huge 6.5” girth. Can this really be compared to bodybuilding?

Part of what makes my unit look small to me is that it is 6”NBPEL and 6”EG. I think I will have to be 8”NBPEL, before I can feel content with it.

I’d agree with starting with 7 = nice for length

And I would have to bump it up again on the girth and go with 5.5 being nice (just because I’m 5.125 and think it is too thin).


Originally Posted by pabs

6+” = Nice
7+” = Big
8+” = Huge
9+” = Fucking huge

lol, what planet are you from where the smallest penis is 6 inches?

IMO the scale is bone pressed. And I guess anything smaller than 6” is bad.

“You know I’m bad
I’m bad - you know it!
You know I’m bad
I’m bad - come on

And the whole world has to answer right now

Just to tell you once again who’s bad!”

BTW will the people who have at least 6” in length and 5” in girth and still think they are small, please shut up. There are guys out there (points to self) who would love to have your size.

Sorry for the bitterness.


from what I hear you need to be about 7 to be nice, 8” to be considered big…I think the girth stuff is right on!

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

Wadmeister I agree completely with your girth estimates.

Maxtro didn’t mean to offend, in the 5+ is not small though that is average, that is why I put 6+ as nice, if that makes sense.

You are not small in the 5’s you are normal I believe.

Everyone keep pe ing !

Man I just realized how much weight I’ve gained since I stopped working out for the last 7 months. I bet if I start losing weight, my dick of currently {6.2NBPEL x (5.75 - 6EG)} stats, will look bigger. Maybe lose some of that fat pad and continue my PE. Be4 long I’ll feel hung. Current stats put me in the NICE+ section right?

Misinterpreting the word average. If everyone in a class except one person Failed the course and the other person got an A, it doesn’t change nothing. Even though average of class is F. Failure is still failing. Even if everyone in a room except one person was 5 or 6 inches and the other guy was 8. It doesn’t make you big because 5 is the average in room.


We never try to make anyone here feel inadequate. That is the complete opposite of this site’s goal.

Size isn’t what it is all about either. I’ve heard of guys with small penises that rocked a girls world before, why? Because they knew what they were doing. Size just complements the skill.

8” BP is considered huge by many women. But being a man, I’ll stick to 8” NBP.

On the girth rankings, the term “thick” should be used since women always use that.

5” Nice
5.25” nice and thick
5.5” Thick!
5.75” Very Thick!
6” Huge
>6” Monster

It’s all relative to size. Like, I’m 6’1” tall and 161-167 lbs (skinny). I consider my size ‘nice’. On a 5’8” person at a good weight, I’d consider the same size as huge.

How about 7”+ girth : :eek2: hehe

edit: on second thought let’s start this with 6.5” girth

She said you had a small dick huh? Well just remind her of what Tom Arnold said about his soon to be ex-wife, Roseanne, when she said very publicly that he had a little dick - "Hell, even a 747 looks small when you put it in the Grand Canyon". START: 2004-12-06 EBPL 6.70" BPEL, EG 5" CURRENT STATUS: Full Healing Break (Plasticized ligaments need time to heal -- Beware the rotating manual stretches ;) ) 2005-01-07 EBPL 7.68", EG 5" GOAL: EBPL 8.5" (ENBPL 7.9"), EG 6"

It all depends on who is receiving it. For some women 8” in OH my God, huge!!” For others it may be “nice”. A good test would be to take your wife/lover to an adult toy store and see what her reaction is. After all it’s all subjective!

"If I leave here tomorrow, will you still remember me?"-- Ronnie Van Zandt


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