Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does anyone do this???

Does anyone do this???

I tried a stretch today in which i grabbed a section of my penis around the middle in an standard OK grip with my right hand and then grabbed with my left hand using a palm down OK grip about an inch and a half past that point a bit past my line thing (I forget what it’s called) and i squeezed with both hands. Since i was completely flacid no blood really collected (and this was good for what i was doing). Then once I felt I had a good grip on the “inner penis”, I pulled in opposite directions hoping to get a localized stretch. I felt a wonderfully effective stretch on that area that I don’t feel during standard manual stretching.

Someone else give it a try? Heck try it right now if you don’t mind :p .

Maybe the penis could be divided up and each section would recieve this stretch. This could be done to say- 4 different sections of the flacid penis.

It’s funny that I’ve been doing something similar to this, almost daily, as part of the stretches that everyone does yawning awake.

You know, you wake up and stretch your back and arms.

The stretch above, does feel very good.

Kinda like stretching your neck or cracking your fingers.

I use only one hand though.

Hmmm. As I pull my two hands apart I definitely create distance between my hands which indicates a stretch but am I actaully stretching the inner penis or am I only pulling skin around the inner penis? As I pull I can stretch the distance to nearly twice what it usually is.

I’m gonna experiemnt with these stretches for a week or two to see if any gains pop up.


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