Does anyone do this???
I tried a stretch today in which i grabbed a section of my penis around the middle in an standard OK grip with my right hand and then grabbed with my left hand using a palm down OK grip about an inch and a half past that point a bit past my line thing (I forget what it’s called) and i squeezed with both hands. Since i was completely flacid no blood really collected (and this was good for what i was doing). Then once I felt I had a good grip on the “inner penis”, I pulled in opposite directions hoping to get a localized stretch. I felt a wonderfully effective stretch on that area that I don’t feel during standard manual stretching.
Someone else give it a try? Heck try it right now if you don’t mind :p .
Maybe the penis could be divided up and each section would recieve this stretch. This could be done to say- 4 different sections of the flacid penis.