Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Does it sound like I overtrained ?


Hey nitro i have to add something to what you said about the broken in the middle bit.I noticed even before i started pe that sometimes when i was in a half floppy state my penis would shronk in the middle and it looked really odd so its not 100% that pe caused that part,i wish i knew what caused it though.i think it might be insufficiant bloodflow because scence ive been doing my kegels it dosent happen much anymore.

Yes its exactly like this.

By the way, I did another stretching session today (it was long, 1 hour). And it seems like the stretching is helping with the healing. Im getting that full filling again in my flaccid penis. Yea !

My dick is beat to shit right now too. I’ve been doing a 5 minutes stretching, 5mintues of pumping then 5 minutes of jelqing routine. My dick looks like it has a very subtle bruise over thewhole thing and its sore as hell. I’ve also been beating off 2 times a day for the past week (my girlfriend dumped me) and that alone is enough to wear it out. I’m going to wait until it feels better to resume but ill be wearing an ace strap on my dick to make sure it heals in an elongated state.

November 08: BPEL = 6.2

August 09: BPEL = 7.0


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