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Does PE help or worsen impotence (ED)?


Originally Posted by commanderblop

Why not stop doing one of these two things (eliminate a variable) and see if things change after a couple weeks?

Aside from all the physiological discussions, that’s a very simple and sane suggestion. Since meds aren’t cheap, I’m going to hold off on them for a couple weeks and see what happens. Wish me luck!

Originally Posted by Josh 14-11
Hi, Franchise…
Thanks for your input. I feel for you; ED—even if partial or occasional—can be a real bummer. I scanned some of your previous posts. I know you don’t like guys telling you that your routine may have been too intense. And I’m just a newbie at PE myself. But I was a bit surprised at how long you were clamping there for a while. Have you tried signing up for a mentor? Or, if you find some vet here who’s been doing the same routines you’re into (e.g., clamping and pumping), maybe you could ask them about whatever routine your using. I suspect you’ve looked at ED sights on the web. As you know, there’s a lot of different factors that could be causing these problems. The more experienced guys here are very willing to point you toward some other things to consider or modify, and several of them originally started PE because of ED problems. Use the search engine and you should be able to track them down. Look for the "wisdom from the vets" thread and you’ll see what I mean.

Have you been to a urologist? If you really think you’ve damaged yourself, maybe you should have it checked out. Just my thoughts on the subject.

One last thing. Avocet8 started a thread on ED websites:
Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Sites

Thanks for the help man. Number one I am no newbie to PE. I have been goign at it for a couple years now. Number two I beleive I have had this problem for awile. I think I somehow did it way back when I was jelqing. I remmber when I started jelqing everything would fill up, but then sometime around then something changed. I kind of just ignored it and figured id make my penis bigger. I started clamping october of last year. It started bothering me recently, becuase I noticed it makes a big difference in the appearance and size of my penis. Weird thing is when i do a reverse kegal when the blood flow is coming in strong. My CS fills up my glands get engouraged and my veins start to buldge. Of course I cant hold this flex for long. So Im not really sure what the deal is. As far as clamping for too long. Seems like over here at thunders you guys dont clamp for very long, but I learned clamping from Redzulu over at MOS, and most of us guys there clamp for 10-30 min sets 40-60 min sessions. I have recently switched to something i find working well which is 10 min clamp then 10 min of ulis for about 40-60 min.

Another thing that I need to point out that I think gets hidden is that I noticed whenever threads like these pop up from time to time. There is always a good ammount of guys saying they have the same problem where the CS and glands do not fill up. No one finds a solution and it then gets forgotten. Id say its a much bigger problem than most of us think.

Originally Posted by xlmagnum
To answer your main question, PE can hurt or help your ED. If you overdo PE your ED won’t benefit, but doing the right amount will help.even cure your ED.

To be honest I came into PE not to gain any size. I’m perfectly fine with what I have. A friend told me that this might just help my problems. My problems are well documented in another thread. So I’m just looking for the size I have to stay up so to speak. I don’t think I’ll get to the point where I’m pumping every single night or multiple times a night. That should keep me from over doing it.

TheFranchise, can you fill your CS and glans by doing a normal kegel, or only with a reverse one?

Thanks thunder.

John. I can fill my CS and glands a slightly by doing a normal kegal, but within a few seconds the blood comes out. Reverse kegal though everything really gets filled heavily with blood and I can hold that slightly longer than a normal kegal.

Originally Posted by Josh 14-11
Thanks for the clarification; I take it that the “tie-off procedure” was a venous litigation. Glad you didn’t have to to that!

…Am I overstating it to say that “venous outflow” only becomes “venous leak” when there is corresponding “arterial insufficiency?” The Merck article does go on to say that “Venous leakage (excessive venous outflow due to inadequate compression of the venous drainage of the corpora cavernosa) also is common with aging.” They don’t describe how “aging” affects “compression,” but if there’s sufficient arterial blood supply, there should be adequate compression within the tunica. Unless there’s a Peyronie’s problem, or a kink (which I happen to have). Even then, we know guys with a kink or even full-blown Peyronie’s may not have a “venous leak” problem until penile arteriosclerosis or other gunk starts to accumulate—and the arterial inflow is cut back.

I am glad I didn’t need it, too.

You are overstating it somewhat on the “arterial insufficiency” side. A man with venous leakage does not necessarily have arterial insufficiency. His arterial flow may have always been adequate to provide for very firm erections, but now there enters a new wrinkle: his veins are directing the blood flow out faster than they should for some reason. His arterial flow is still fine but his venous flow is too rapid to sustain or sometimes even get a full erection. Is this a compression factor (compression being a key to preventing venous flow out?) or something else? There are easy tests which can reveal that.

In the field of ED, “venous leakage” is a very convenient sort of catch-all as a reason for erection loss, both for the male with the ED and for doctors who might prefer to prescribe one of the numerous erectile drugs rather than order a test to investigate, which might lead to the surgical route. There are doctors who can figure out that the issue is venous leakage based only on patient questioning, however to assess the damage and degree, a test is necessary.

My take is that you may have assumed you have venous leakage when in fact you may not and are concerned about something that has been in no way confirmed. This could lead you down a blind alley and waste your time.

In some cases of ED it is important to Know Your Enemy, to know specifically what you are dealing with. In others it is not. Guys with hormonal imbalances need to know. Guys with severe venous leakage, for another of several examples, need to know because the “fix” in their cases is more complicated than just taking drugs to get hard.

My advice? If the drugs are ineffective or inconsistant in resolving the problem, find a doctor who has a special interest in ED who will do more than hand you some samples and pat you on the back; someone whose curiosity is more a match to your own so that the two of you can identify the issue and then take proper steps to treat it.



Originally Posted by TheFranchise
I can fill my CS and glands a slightly by doing a normal kegal, but within a few seconds the blood comes out.

Franchise you should really go see an urologist. Bleeding from the urethra is never good…especially when you bleed by only kegeling. There is no point in getting a huge dick if you can’t use it.

Originally Posted by john7grains
Franchise you should really go see an urologist. Bleeding from the urethra is never good.especially when you bleed by only kegeling. There is no point in getting a huge dick if you can’t use it.

I think he meant that the blood comes out and his glands get soft again.. Not actually his penis bleeding.

I to have this same problem.. My glads don’t fill up under normal erection I have to force the blood in there.. Weird thing is.. If I lie on my side legs closed and I get an erection.. Everything is normal and it’s rock hard.. Glands and everything.. As soon as I move or open my legs the glands go soft again.. I don’t know.

Wops you are right view…still have quite a few problems with my english duh :p

Originally Posted by avocet8
My take is that you may have assumed you have venous leakage when in fact you may not and are concerned about something that has been in no way confirmed. This could lead you down a blind alley and waste your time.

You’re right, if I have venous leakage, it’s not been confirmed by any clinical tests. I was only going on previous threads/discussions we’ve had. And, if I can develop enough arterial supply to overcome any “leak,” I’ll be happy with that.

Originally Posted by avocet8
…find a doctor who has a special interest in ED who will do more than hand you some samples and pat you on the back; someone whose curiosity is more a match to your own so that the two of you can identify the issue and then take proper steps to treat it.

Again you’re right: I have an avid curiosity about things. And I think I’ll find answers here and elsewhere on the internet a lot quicker than I’ll find a urologist who will take time to give me detailed physiology lessons. Much can be learned by being like a little kid who asks, “Why?” and for every answer, they follow up with another “Why?” So let me ask: What is the cause of venous leakage? I.e., how is it that veins “leak” during an erection enough to make the erection go soft? This is not merely for my personal fixation. I firmly believe that the more we understand our own plumbing, the more effective PE will be.


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