Thunder's Place

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Does strong mind-soul contribute to penis gains?

Does strong mind-soul contribute to penis gains?

Does strong mind, heart and soul promote penis gains? Throughout these forums we see people debating different routines for greater success, different supplements, times, approaches…positions. In reality, everyone is different and unique. We have seen that what works for one person, may actually cause a deficit in another. I’m not saying this is the case for all, because in general, anyone can reap the benefits of the newbie routine. That is why it exists.

I’ve had amazing gains, and it has got me to thinking. I’m not really doing anything different than a lot of other chaps. I have a high LOT, and I’m consistent. I doubt that alone is the only reason for the gains. Maybe not though, this is really just a thought. Let me know about similiar experiences, thoughts, concerns…whatever.

But what I am getting at is, maybe people should focus more on meditation (prayer if your religious), working on our confidence. Self-hypnosis works well too. There are a dozen things one can do to boost his spirits and convince his mind, through his strong heart and soul, that it is actually possible. Once you can convince your mind that anything is possible, anything really is possible. I have convinced myself from the first moment I saw noticable gains, the same can be said for many other things in my daily life, that my strong belief in my growth would be the driving force of my being.

I’m pure logic, pure intellect. So this to me sometimes just does not cut it. But you know, if you throw that sketpicism out the window, a lot of things open up to you. Your reality is what you make it, and if you are existing in a reality that change has always been very difficult for you, well you might make a great intern for all those scientists that claim penis growth is not possible. Get real! There is proof in this community that anything is possible, and with this community it is even easier because together we create that male bond which is hard to find. We all have a common goal, and this helps us stick to it. As PE’ers you should have that same goal embedded in your spirit, in your heart and in your mind. Eventually if you convince yourself that you’ll grow in your head for long enough, your subconcious, which has amazing unknown powers, can enable you to truly grow quicker.

In the end, I still do not know. How does one know whether he is born a genius or made a genius. How do we know what really is making our penis’ larger? Yes, there are controls that we can foretell this kind of information, but controls in the science of human physical abilities are hard to…well control. We have many unknown and unsought powers as humans, it might be wise to try to tap into those and seek our greatest potential. Yes, I will keep up my routine physically for my penis, but just because I truly believe that meditation and focus really do count for something, I am turning my reality into (or should i say twisting) what I believe in, therefore my beliefs are becoming real, and they result in real life, mind blowing, (sex? i wish) concrete, and visual advantages.

Just a thought.



Starting-March 15, 2007: BPEL:5.2''| NBPEL: 4.5'' | EG:5''

Today-May 17, 2007 BPEL:7.19' | NBPEL: 6.7" | EG: 5.55"

My dick is on steroids!Progress Report w/pic Overtraining is worse than undertraining...

I believe the ability to focus consistently and to maximize the work done in each session is paramount to getting gains. It’s just like any other activity, you have bad days and good days; it’s all about trying to have more good than bad.

Personally, I don’t meditate or do anything like that. What helps me is to focus 100% on the exercise at the moment. What I tend to pinpoint my focus on is the sensation of the exercise, how can I make it better/more effective and when I think enough has been done for that session. There have been many times in the past that I go on autodrive and and end up overworking my penis.

Interesting thoughts, ERambone. Yes, I believe there is a certain amount of “inner game” that helps determine whether or not we are successful in almost everything. (Of course, time and chance have a lot to do with it, as well.)

If I am going to, say, be president someday, then I better have the fortitude and determination (and luck) to persevere years of gladhanding, fundraising, and arguing. If I don’t possess that inner game, then I might as well forget achieving my goal of being president.

It’s similar with PE, as with other goals. (I might be the first person in the history of this board to compare the goal of becoming president with the goal of enlarging my penis. In one case, you desire a huge dickhead; in the other case, you simply are a huge dickhead. But I digress….) If you don’t possess enough inner game to be persistent in your PE, then your goal of a larger cock just won’t come to fruition.

Inner game will vary from person to person. I attribute much of my “centeredness” to daily meditation and exercise. Both are spiritual exercises to me, and they keep me grounded.

So, yes, I feel that the stuff that makes up a good “inner game”—like meditation—can help in PE, albeit in the same indirect way it can help in other aspects of life. There’s a lot in NLP theory about “creating your own reality” and allowing other people to enter your reality (rather than forcing yourself to constantly enter theirs, thereby avoiding sustaining your own reality). For me, fairly recently, I have begun to understand what that means, and it has been life-changing in the best of ways. Inner game is so, so important to everything in life, including PE.

I’m not sure if that is where you were going with this thread, but there’s my 2 cents.

Stormy-Aye, focus is detrimental to success, especially when over-working can ruin any chance of gains.

JetAtkins-Yes, exactly the direction that I was heading. Excercise! Ah forgot that one. But that is just as important as the others in my oppinion as well. If only our current political leaders actually applied this into their every day managing of the country…”creating your own reality”. That one in particular is very interesting, because that is something you do fall upon. It is an idea that is such a drastic change of thought, it can be very difficult to grasp. Inner has always been greater than outer, the means justifies the appearance. If we lived in a completely different society where this idea was grasped at childhood, such criteria as materialism would not exist. But…I appreciate the well thought out response, hopefully there will be much more to come.

Starting-March 15, 2007: BPEL:5.2''| NBPEL: 4.5'' | EG:5''

Today-May 17, 2007 BPEL:7.19' | NBPEL: 6.7" | EG: 5.55"

My dick is on steroids!Progress Report w/pic Overtraining is worse than undertraining...

I agree with most of what’s been said here but to an extent. I don’t think it’s spirituality or the like that separates the hard gainers from the big gainers: I think it’s a combination of luck and doing what works, plain and simple. I believe that everybody can make their penis larger if they do what works. The trick is finding out what works. It would seem natural that a person with a better mental and spiritual state would have better gains since stress is a detriment to good health in general and we all perform better in a low-stress environment.

That being said, I think there are probably a lot of people that get too anxious when it comes to PE and overwork themselves. I started PE about 4 years ago and after getting some initial gains then hitting a plateau, I stopped. I think the problem was that I was focusing so much on PE that I was overworking myself and thus not seeing any gains. Since I have started back, and it’s only been about 4 weeks, I’ve taken a much more relaxed approach. Guess what? I’ve already gained about .25" in length and .2" in girth. That’s almost as much as I had gained in girth in a whole year of doing PE when I first started.

My recommendation to the hard gainers is this: if you go to the gym and you have methods that work there, apply them to PE. My current PE routine is very similar to my lifting routine. I do 1-on, 1-off in PE and lift only 3 out of 7 days of the week. I have a very simple and quick PE routine which includes basic stretching, jelqing, and a few Horse 440’s and it only takes me about 20-25 minutes to complete. Likewise, when I go to the gym, I only do about 10-12 sets, not including warmups. I know some people that will go to the gym for the hour and do a set every 2 minutes for the entire time and do this 5 times per week. This does not work for me in the gym and definitely not with PE.

Here’s an extended version of my theory. I’ve been disappointed up until this point about its lack of success. Hopefully, someone will contribute to it.
The Amazing Human Ability of Supercompensation

By, the way, gaining is awesome!

Wangchun, your theory of supercompensation is interesting. As an avid weightlifter, I definitely understand the concept. I want to think about it for a while, and then I might post thoughts on your thread. Thanks for sharing.

Just to clarify, I do not assert that spirituality—or the like—is necessary to success in PE, or any other goal. Indeed, there are too many examples of people who disprove that idea every day in every country. However, I am convinced that having solid “inner game,” as I call it, which could include spiritual practices like meditation, does positively affect one’s ability to achieve goals that require persistence, fortitude, and focus (which most long-term goals require). It certainly has helped me. But again, I have many high-achieving friends who do not care about the inner life.

To each his own. It’s all a matter of individuality, but for me and many others, inner game is what allows us to keep pushing onward.

I agree with wangchun, and that’s how I found most of my gains. I used to work really hard (jelqing for 30 min + stretching for 15), and while it did help initially, I hit a rut. Plus, I was getting injured like every 2 to 3 weeks. Now I just relax and don’t go past the 20 min mark in my routine. I notice my dick is stronger and reacts better to this kind of regime.

Getting to the topic of the thread. I think mindset is the majority of anything you do. Not to go into the philosophical deepend, but mindfullness of your actions make them more effective (objectively) and more meaningful (subjectively). A while back in PE lore, in the time of pay-sites for jelq exercises, visualization was part of the routine. Now I do use a certain amount of visualization and find it helps with the effectiveness of the routine. I believe its due to the fact that you are more mindful in your exercise and it translates into efficiency.

Cum vinum intrat, exit sapientia

I came across a program today called subliminal blaster in which it flashes messages of inspiration before you in which your subconsciousness can pick up. I am going to run it for a few months whenever I am on the PC to see if it works.

Long Term Goal

The perfect 8x6 cock aka the pussy destroyer (one day).

I believe these do work, I’ve been listening to self-asteem and confidence builders (self-hypnosis) while I sleep. Not only has my penis gained length, but I myself am two inches taller (my posture is extremely good now) :D . To each his own though, I believe in my beliefs, you believe in YOOOUUURS!! Am I on the verge of selling a multi-million dollar song?

Starting-March 15, 2007: BPEL:5.2''| NBPEL: 4.5'' | EG:5''

Today-May 17, 2007 BPEL:7.19' | NBPEL: 6.7" | EG: 5.55"

My dick is on steroids!Progress Report w/pic Overtraining is worse than undertraining...

What a man thinks in his heart so is he.

Write the vision down and it will surly come to pass.

You have what you say with your mouth.

Yeah, their is a spiritul connection.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

It seems logical a healthy body will grow more, but no you cannot “wish” or “positive think” your penis bigger, unless you’ve bought lots and lots of self-help tapes.

Jelq my boy, jelq like the wind.

Originally Posted by Klayton
It seems logical a healthy body will grow more, but no you cannot “wish” or “positive think” your penis bigger, unless you’ve bought lots and lots of self-help tapes.

If only…

I’d sleep all day every day for a year until I thought myself out the window :P

Starting-March 15, 2007: BPEL:5.2''| NBPEL: 4.5'' | EG:5''

Today-May 17, 2007 BPEL:7.19' | NBPEL: 6.7" | EG: 5.55"

My dick is on steroids!Progress Report w/pic Overtraining is worse than undertraining...

Originally Posted by ERambone
I believe these do work, I’ve been listening to self-asteem and confidence builders (self-hypnosis) while I sleep. Not only has my penis gained length, but I myself am two inches taller (my posture is extremely good now) :D . To each his own though, I believe in my beliefs, you believe in YOOOUUURS!! Am I on the verge of selling a multi-million dollar song?

What tapes are you listening to?

For sure it helps! Parapsychology explains it ^^

But it’s not so simple =X, go beyond the positive thoughts but also means a change of your life style and a change in your ways of seeing yourself (self-esteem);

It’s hard to explain it in another language ,but the general idea is that.

Originally Posted by Dickstruction
What tapes are you listening to?

Didn’t see this, sorry for late response.

I’m listening to Ross Jeffries NLP while I go on walks. For sleeping, I listen to these Self-Hypnosis mp3s. For example, Greater self-asteem, Building Confidence. Look up Wendei Freissen (not sure if that is spelled right), but there are a lot of such mp3s that you can download off of limewire.

Malandro, yes it is very hard to explain, you just have to find it.

Starting-March 15, 2007: BPEL:5.2''| NBPEL: 4.5'' | EG:5''

Today-May 17, 2007 BPEL:7.19' | NBPEL: 6.7" | EG: 5.55"

My dick is on steroids!Progress Report w/pic Overtraining is worse than undertraining...

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