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Does your dick shrink during exercise?

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Does your dick shrink during exercise?




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Whenever I lift weights my whole package will shrink up.also when I’m nervous it will do the same thing

Yeah. I also get it when I’m nervous.

Yeah mine also shrivels!

A couple people mentioned that their dicks go back to normal size with a hot shower. Am I the only one for whom warm showers do not have a size-enhancing effect? I mean, my penis doesn’t shrink terribly in warm water, the way it does in cold water, but it also doesn’t hang big and loose either, the way it often does during the day.

I think what has been said is all true. The ‘acorn syndrome’ is the bodies natural way of protecting the family jewels; but it’s still annoying.

A lot of us workout in places where there are some hot women about, and you can always see an acorn poking through a pair of sweatpants; even with a pair of snug undies on to keep it all in place.

Does anybody not suffer from the acorn effect?

Hey Goomba! I also find that warm shower doesn’t seem to do the trick for me as it does for most guys. Although the towelling off afterwards does for obvious reasons. :)

In fact often after a warm shower, though particularly after a hot shower or bath, my dick will hang just a little looser (but not fuller), but my balls will hang really low making my flaccid dick look even smaller than it would if my balls were riding high.

Yep, me too. After a weights session it disappears to a stumpy shrivelled specimen. This also happens during a long hillwalking session, even when the weather is hot. Also in the swimming pool, even if it’s a reasonable temperature. The swimming pool is probably worst of all - even if I’m taking it easy and not really exercising at all it shrinks. Can’t wear speedos-type trunks because of this!


Lifting weights=bit of shrinkage,dick is really flacid, no extra blood in there

Cardio=Makes my dick look like when I was 11 years old! Blood goes to the working muscles. And it keeps your dick from bouncing around. As a boxer, I find that nature is very cleaver to shrink my dick and balls when I do jump rope!

I wear my wrist wrap ADS even when I workout, so I don’t really get this effect, I notice a slightly less hang out of the end of my ADS but that’s it.

I also don’t shower at the gum cause it looks gross and I think I’d walk out dirtier than I went in, plus I only live a few blocks from the gym so I’d sooner wait 2 minutes and shower at home. The gym shower is a one person shower (not the biggest gym) and there are only usually about 0-8 people in the gym at a time. No body works there, it’s watched by cameras and owned by the store next door.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Is there anybody that used to suffer from acorn dick during exercise, and is now completely free from it due to PE?

Mine shrinks so much, I look uncircumcised.

Originally Posted by swingman
Whenever I lift weights my whole package will shrink up.also when I’m nervous it will do the same thing

DITTO for me…

I’m just curious to know why this is a problem. It’s not permanent. Your body is doing what it’s supposed to. If your gym has a sauna, go in there after your workout. It’s good for your pores and should loosen you back up, give you a nice low-hanging tool and sac as well. That is, if you’re wanting to impress the other guys there in the lockerroom with you, which is fine, I guess. I will have to try pumping before hitting the gym sometime, wearing a cockring during my workout, and see what happens to it.


(12/5/2008) BPEL: 7.75" EG: 5.75" BSFL: 8.1" FL: 5" FG 4.25"||New Goal: NBPEL: 8" EG: 6"

Technique: 95% Wet Jelqing, 5% Low Vacuum Pumping

Photos Journal

Reminds me of a Seinfeld Episode when George gets out of the pool and the girl barges in on him while he’s dressing and laughs…She didn’t know about shrinkage but we all do. LMAO

BPEL: 6.20" BPEG: 4.55" 9/1/2004

Currently 6.95" x 4.75" (5" at base)

The doc left me a lot of foreskin, so when I do a hard swim—a mile or so—my dick comes out looking uncut—kind of, the best of both worlds. A hot shower brings junior back to his senses—8” x 6+” girth. I’m getting more comfortable in the locker room with my new PE induced flaccid hang.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


yeah mine always shrivils up after some hard exercise length and girth. The group shower thing is shit. I keep having to tell myself it’s not like this when it’s erect. However a warm shower doesn’t always bring it back because sometimes I’m panicing that my penis is not as big as usual. So the adrenaline makes sure the blood keeps pumping to other areas. Bumber.

I had a friend once who mentioned this while I was having a shower. I looked at his and it was bigger but not bigger than mine usually is. His knob just seemed to stay at a long flacid length. Personally I think he was a pussy in the gym and didn’t stretch himself to his limits while I trained hard.

Anyway - His comments were to much for my ego to handle so I had to prove my point pre workout. Just to make sure he didn’t go round thinking he always had a bigger dick.

That statue of David. Everyone goes on about his dick being small. fair enough it looks a little small even for an after workout effect. However, I’ve always thought the Greeks enjoyed a sporting athletic body and his shriveled up member represented a man who had done who had run a marathon, fought with two hungry lions and then had to swim home to Athens from Greece. As well as taking a hell of a lot of speed (amphetamines) to keep him going.

Speaking of which is anyone or has anyone been into raving. In my younger years I used to dance for 8 -10 hours solid on speed and ecstasy - Now there’s when you see the limits of how small your dick can really shink to. It’s a sore sight especially when you start to come of the drugs and you go on a downward mental slide to pay for the fun you’ve had.


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