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Dr. Drew's Strictly Sex, Premature Ejaculation and surgery

Dr. Drew's Strictly Sex, Premature Ejaculation and surgery

I was watching an episode of Dr. Drew’s Strictly Sex on Discovery Health this weekend and he was talking about surgeries to enhance sex life. He has a doctor on who mentioned that a popular premature ejaculation solution these days is to surgically cut some of the nerves by the penis (sorry, I can’t get more detailed on this) to help the sensitivity issue. To me this makes sense since some doctors prescribe SSRIs to slow down the chemcial reaction from the brain. Has anyone ever heard or looked into this solution?

I haven’t heard of this, but it sounds extreme. To begin with, there are other ways to reduce the sensitivity of the penis without surgery. Cutting the nerves sounds permanent, which would scare me. The other methods available to reduce sensitivity are not permanent, so if you don’t like the effect, you can choose not to do them again, or you can do them differently.

More importantly, there are forms of treatment for premature ejaculation that do not require reducing the sensitivity of the penis. These would be my first option.

I don’t believe that SSRIs reduce the sensitivity of the penis. Perhaps others will comment on this.

In my experience, both SSRIs and SNRIs have made it much harder for me to orgasm, both during intercourse and masterbation. I don’t know the mechanism by which this works, but I don’t think it is sensitivity reduction in the penis. The last time I went off an anti-depressant, I had a problem with premature ejaculation and I think it’s because I had to work so hard to orgasm when on the meds. I’m just coming off of one right now, and I’m going to try and start edging as a preventative measure.

Originally Posted by Xorgfoo
In my experience, both SSRIs and SNRIs have made it much harder for me to orgasm, both during intercourse and masterbation. I don’t know the mechanism by which this works, but I don’t think it is sensitivity reduction in the penis. The last time I went off an anti-depressant, I had a problem with premature ejaculation and I think it’s because I had to work so hard to orgasm when on the meds. I’m just coming off of one right now, and I’m going to try and start edging as a preventative measure.

I’m on Paxil for OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and while it helps with that, now I can pretty much delay ejaculation to whenever I want to cum. Previously, I was a 7 to 10 minute man on a good day. I like the side effect because I feel in control now and not helpless in that regard. Now that my unit is growing, I’m in control of yet another part of my life. Yay!

It makes me sad when people do silly things like surgery for something thats curable by cheap treatments such as acupuncture or hypnosis.

May the force (of your hand) be with you. :littleguy

I have heard of Zoloft being prescribed for premature ejaculation. If anyone has read about the side effects, they include things like sexual disfunction, difficulty achieving orgasm and loss of sensation. Of course, there is a lot of shit listed as side effects for Zoloft. Having been on antidepressants myself, I wouldn’t go throwing prescriptions for them around lightly.


"Where was the Ka-Boom?! There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!"

Marvin the Martian

Sounds like a horrible way to solve that problem.

Remember, there are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.

I never had control over it.. I can’t imagine how is to have control over ejaculation.. How do you do it? Do you press your ass? You think ok don’t cum? You press like going to pee when you want to ejaculate?? This is weird.. But I can’t.. And its ruining my life..

I can’t imagine lasting 5 minutes.

Desesperado BPEL 15,1 NBPEL 12,8

1,89 altura

The easiest thing to do is masturbate and cum a few hours before you have sex your body wont let you cum again as easily.

Was on Paxil for PE and the sides absolutely sucked.

Had drymouth, insomnia, diarrhea, extreme agitation, headaches, and a few other minor things like my jaw would lock up and I would yawn about every 2 minutes.

If I had to pick a severed nerve or going back on paxil, I’d take 10 second pump sessions :)

My ex convinced me to try celexa many years ago, and I have to say that even today I have bad days because of the changes to my brain.

I went cold turkey because my psychiatrist kept screwing with the dose and type of meds, all of which made me feel like shit.

The hateful bitch loved how lethargic and dissociated I was, and not energetic and motivated.

Makes me shiver to think how I was for those few months.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

hmmmm this is very interesting considering i have very bad premature ejaculation. I haven’t tried pills, I’ve tried creams, but yeah that’s a no go. Surgery sounds great for me considering sometimes i cant even penetrate without having an orgasm. And even if i somehow do penetrate , I orgasm within 5 seconds.

Started 3/13/2012 BPEL: 6.750 EG: 5.3

Current BPEL: 7 EG: 5.9

Goal: BPEL 8.00 NBPEL 7.5 EG 6.0

I feel that SSRIs permanently reduced my sex drive. While I was still taking them, they made it almost impossible for me to have orgasm. Thank god for that, as otherwise I might have kept taking them a lot longer. I would do anything to be the way I was before taking that crap.

Sure, first line volunteer here for cutting nerves in my pleasure organ!

Oh my goodness, what MD’s are inventing if they get out of control.
I mean let’s be realistic: premature ejaculation is curable by massaging the brain (read: soul and mind) and a little edging.
Bust mostly the brain.

So why cut penile nerves (sic!!!) and risk that you may never ever get an orgasm signal from your dick.
Yeah, that is for sure a perfect cure for premature ejaculation because you may never ever ejaculate ANY MORE.

Oh, by the way: son of a surgeon and a strong believer that a lot of good things can be done with a scalpel.
But that is simply too much for my common sense understanding of anatomy, so here goes the cry from my heart.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

A lot of good thing have been done with a scalpel

My knee three times and my dogs leg was pinned after a truck crushed it three. Weeks ago.

But not cutting nerves to the penis.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"


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