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Effects of jelq stroke duration

Effects of jelq stroke durration

I’ve been searching around for a while but I can’t seem to find the information that I am after. I have been doing PE for a bit now, but I am paranoid about damaging by tool. I read that jelqing too fast can cause damage, so I have been jelqing rather slowly. I decided to time my strokes the other day, and they were over 6 seconds long.

I was wondering what sort of effects a longer duration stroke has?

Will I still see gains?

Will it actually lower injury chance as I originally thought?

Will it target lenght or girth more?

Would you recomend I increase the speed at which I jelq, or increase the nuber of stokes I perform?

I have been lurking and searching these forums for a bit now, but I am still new to the whole thing. Any information reguarding jelq durration would be appreciated very much so.

Thank you all.

Good questions.

Some people say a quicker stroke will effect length more and a longer length stroke will effect girth more.


There are a few things going on when you jelq:

  • Tension is put on the ligaments if you jelq in a downward direction
  • A pressure is put on the entire shaft above the grip
  • A pressure gradient occurs directly ahead of the grip point
  • The grip causes tension in the tunica down to the base
  • The transverse pressure of the grip crushes the shaft maybe helping breakdown the tunica a little

There’s loads more to it than that I think.

But if you lengthen a stroke you are probably increasing the effect of the main pressure from the glans down to the grip and decreasing the effect of the pressure gradient directly above the grip. That might encourage girth over length but you’ll also be increasing the time the tunica is stretched behind the grip encouraging length.

In the end I think if your stroke length is between 2-3 seconds you’ll be able to make much greater changes in the way that jelqing effects length and girth by controlling erection level and grip strength, the tighter the grip and the higher the erection the more girth oriented the exercise.

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