Thunder's Place

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Erect vs Flaccid revisited


Originally Posted by joe2
My BPSFL is also .7” longer than my BPEL.
Id really like to close that gap somehow.

I’ve never looked at it as ‘closing the gap’, but that as long as I can increase BPFSL then BPEL will follow.

Originally Posted by Phoenix7672
Speak for yourself.. Lol

Call me crazy, but I wouldn’t mind being in the 9-10” BPEL range with an 8” flaccid. I can also only imagine the female response if they saw it soft and you said “don’t worry.. It gets bigger when hard”, lol.

I agree. My flaccid is over 7 inch but haven’t reached 8 inch flaccid yet, unless temporary gains counts. I wouldn’t mind 1, 2 or even 3 more inches of flaccid length.

Hello everyone.
This is an old thread but I’m new to all this site. So what you guys are saying is that the BPFSL flaccid is ALWAYS longer than the BPEL ?

How long on average does it take to get BPEL to catch up flaccid stretched length?

Dow it catch up, or does the flaccid stretch only stretch since it is always in a softer state than erect penis?

If your flaccid stretched length is 19cm long, what would the EXPECTED erect length be ?

Appreciate the responses.


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