Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Eventually, our monopoly will end


Originally Posted by Magus
Here are some reasons why PE should not be popularised:

2) We would get more size queens, and culturally all women would be taught to beleive that bigger is better and turn into super-bitches. When they do finally get in the sack and it comes to sex maybe they’ll shut up about being able to handle 12” girth and length though.


Not to mention all the bruised, bloody and mutilated vagina’s that would ensue.

You have to consider that with PE and a bigger unit comes power. More power than most men can handle. Guys get hung, then they start thinking they are the shit. Leave their wife’s go banging every women they see. Die of VD a few years later.

It’s a natural selection thing. Most men were never meant to be hung. Not even PE can help. :)

Originally Posted by deadeye3200
It’s a natural selection thing. Most men were never meant to be hung. Not even PE can help. :)

I bet newbies will find that statement encouraging!


Taken out of context, it could be discouraging sure. I’m assuming your being sarcastic. What ever are you trying to suggest with your observation thatthickunit?

So I am the only one here that believes it is good if PE becomes mainstream??
You selfish bastards :)


It has been well established the eating healthy, excersize, and having fun makes for a longer life; healthier, stronger body, and better sex. Yet, look around, so few are actually taking advantage. Why?

For the same reasons so many, if/when natural PE is accepted as a real option for making one’s unit larger, will either not do it, or give up after a week or two.

"Only enemies speak the truth; friends and lovers lie endlessly, caught in the web of duty". -Roland, in Stephen King's The Last Gunslinger

Many of you seem to be suggesting that PE won’t become popular because people are lazy and weak-willed.

In my opinion (and my experience telling a couple friends about PE), there’s a bigger factor than commitment: Most guys just don't care that much about their penis size, believe it or not. Not enough to even be interested in spending a few months to make a small gain, anyway — let alone being able to follow through with such a program (and I do agree with y’all that most would fail to follow through, even if they were interested).

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Many of you seem to be suggesting that PE won’t become popular because people are lazy and weak-willed.

In my opinion (and my experience telling a couple friends about PE), there’s a bigger factor than commitment: Most guys just don't care that much about their penis size, believe it or not. Not enough to even be interested in spending a few months to make a small gain, anyway — let alone being able to follow through with such a program (and I do agree with y’all that most would fail to follow through, even if they were interested).

You think? I couldn’t imagine anyone not caring about their penis size, maybe we are all deluded as to its importance :p

My point is PE is a hard thing to sell. If you make an honest claim of gains it doesn’t sound like it’s worth the effort. If you make outrageous claims it doesn’t sound true.

People who haven’t done PE and got any gains they don’t realize what a big difference a small gain makes. Most guys gain allot of size in the beginning just from having better erections.

Even if it is public, still not everybody would do it. Not everybody has the time, consistency, and effort to keep up. Also, more people will have a bigger dick and more people will be hurt. People will want others to pay for there PE routines or whatever. Here is nice. We can help each other out and such. 800 numbers or whatever they will do, won’t. People may not know if there doing it right, may be doing it wrong, ect.

I think I might enjoy talking to friends who also do PE, and keep each other motivated. but I think I’d have a problem with the fact that his might be bigger. And I think a lot of people might feel that way. Also, I’ve been on and off of PE for quite some time, and though I had some results, it’s very hard to make the association with PE-ing. If I knew absolutely sure that wearing my penimaster for half a year 10 hours a day got me 2 inches. I’d stop everything I was doing right now, and wear the thing for that amount of time. The same goes with jelqing. The studies say it works, but these studies are usually quoted from commercial sites, so who knows.

In order for it to be successful it would need proof that it works in the form of role models. With PE however I doubt we’d be seeing pictures of people modelling their erections publically anytime soon without it being viewed as a taboo, I mean most guys would think looking at another mans cock is “gay”.


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