Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Experiment: Ten Month Break from P.E.



I was just reading through this shit with a pump on my dick and thinking, “goddamn I’m so glad this community of PEers have come together to shared ideas openly and continue to progress physically and mentally. You all are a bunch of mad scientists trying to beat nature. It’s truly an awesome thing. Keep up the good work gentlemen.

Secondly, on the topic, I’ve just recently thrown pumping into my routine and highly recommend experimenting with it to anyone who’s apprehensive. But, my routine is pretty inconsistent. I’ll go for five days staight sometimes working my tool like mad, then be so busy with other shit that I can’t work it for another five days. In those five days, my temporary gains go down substantially, but even as they go down I notice that there are small permanent gains. I started at 5”X 5”. I never get below 5 and a quarter now even if I take a couple weeks off. And my girth is even better. I’m usually now staying at a consistent 6”X 5.5”. So I’m saying, the more you do it the better shit gets. You’ll never go negative.. I hope. If you stop PE, you may lose some size, but you’ll never lose your natural size.

Anyway, I’m done. Just wanted to say wussup and all that. Excercise is good. Keep up the good work guys.

Got my 2”+ gains thru hanging exclusively. I quit completely after a year of dedicated high weight hanging 1.5hrs/day and experienced very little shrinkage after quittting. So IMO the PE method makes a difference on shrinkage.

All but 1/4” of my gains came from manual stretches and they were all made at intermittent periods. I generally lose 1/16” after I break and that’s it. Perhaps we’re all different?

Originally Posted by bud_do

Got my 2”+ gains thru hanging exclusively. I quit completely after a year of dedicated high weight hanging 1.5hrs/day and experienced very little shrinkage after quittting. So IMO the PE method makes a difference on shrinkage.

So what’s your flaccid gain, your erect to flaccid ratio before and after pe? In other words: are you a grower or shower?




Dbldog, I can’t tell you the ratio pre-pe. Now it is 8.6” bp pulled flaccid and 7.8” bp erect. But just roughly judging from navel I would guess pre-pe 6.0 flaccid and 5.7 bp erect.

In bodybuilding its called muscle memory. After a layoff it is much easier to put the muscle back on to where you were then it was to build new muscle in the first place.

Seems like PE has some parallels for some in that respect.

Admire the fortitude it took to watch your penis shrinking and know you could do something about it but didnt until your layoff was complete!

Originally Posted by slapa
In bodybuilding it’s called muscle memory. After a layoff it is much easier to put the muscle back on to where you were then it was to build new muscle in the first place.

Seems like PE has some parallels for some in that respect.

Admire the fortitude it took to watch your penis shrinking and know you could do something about it but didn’t until your layoff was complete!

Exactly.. Like muscle penis too has this memory.. And totally agree with your last statement.. It needs very strong will to resist ten months to accomplish the experiment without giving up! Congratulations to the OP!

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

holy thread resurrection, Batman!


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