Thunder's Place

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Fat removing Surgery to unvell the bone pressed penis....

Fat removing Surgery to unvell the bone pressed penis....

I cant find the name of it,but I read something about a surgery where they remove fat from your body.

Though it may have been discussed before(I apologize if so),I was thinking how much better it would be than auctual penis enlargement surgery,if they could essentially remove the fat pad.I read a study that said that the average lengh gain after pe surgery was .5 inches,and that alot of people were dissatisfied.However I suspect that many people have a bone press difference of an inch or more.

I know myself,I can reach almost 7 inches bone pressed(and boy what a site to see),but normally,I am not even a whole 6’(I use to be 6 non bone pressed,however I have gained some weight,working on losing it now).

I dont know if it would effect the erections or anything of the sort,but It seems like it would not only work better than penis enlargement surgery,but be alot safer too.

Anyone familiar with this surgery? Anyone know what it cost? Any opinions on if it would work or not?

Thanks in advance.

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