Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

February invoice


How are we doing Thunder? Ms tnt said she will do her share next week.

Just out of interest why are you not a forum donator yet thunder? ;)

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

Are you kidding? He donates his time and he is owner and keeper of this fabulous place.

That was pretty funny Czepa.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
We just installed a new little gizmo on the main forum page, top right corner. That will replace these monthly threads starting next month.

I think many will over look the monthly invoice with out these monthly threads.

:P you know I’m kidding. I should donate say, what id expect to pay for a decent softcover book or something. I need to get serious first and gain back the inch I lost during my time away.

Btw I think having the costage next to it will bring incentive to donate. However on the mobile version of the site, or atleast on my shitty phone only half of the 2nd line of text is visible on the donate button.

At birth I was given a choice between a good memory and a big dick, but I can't remember what I chose.

BeardedDragon - "I have definitive mathematical proof that PE works. But I can't send it to you because it's attached to me."

OK gents, we got the invoice covered and 40 odd dollars toward the next one.

The new little gizmo turns into a green donate button after we cover the invoice. It still works as a donate button, but without the bell and whistle.

Thanks guys!!!!!

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Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

I like the new green button thingy. Hopefully it’ll stay green forever!

:_pump: :donatecar

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