Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

feeling great already

feeling great already

Two weeks into doing pe for real and I feel like a changed man. Before discovering this was actually possible, I must have been the most miserable and moody bastard on the face of the earth. There wasn’t a day that passed that I didn’t think I was a total loser with a small dick. Now I realise that it isn’t that small anyway, and there are a lot more of you guys worse off than me and I should be grateful with what I have.

That being said though I still want to increase the size of my dick. I know my wife would love a couple more inches even though she wouldn’t tell me through fear of hurting my feelings.

Anyway I can’t believe how much better I feel about myself, I actually smile in the morning instead of having a shitty attitude problem because I feel inadequate about my dick size. As I say, I’ve only been doing this for two weeks and doubt very much that any gains have been made so far. But my dick seems not to shrivel up so much as it usually does, and as for my balls, they used to be really tight most of the time but now they really seem to hang a lot lower than they normally do. I don’t know if this has anything to do with me not being so on edge all of the time, but something has changed and it helps push away the insecurity I feel inside myself.

So I suppose the reason for me posting this is to say thanks to nobody in particular but to you all for getting me of my lazy ass, stop feeling sorry for myself and do something about it now, not tomorrow because tomorrow never comes, now.

Hopefully these wonderful new changes in spirit are permanent.

Good luck,


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Yeah, I hope they are too. I suppose I’d feel I’d let myself down if I slipped back into my old grumpy self again. And after knowing what I’m like in “that” frame of mind, I really hope that isn’t the case.


Keep the faith bro’

"When did I realize I was god? When I was praying and found that I was talking to myself."

Welcome to the board, murph!:D The Promised Land!:D The Cult of Penis Enlargement!:D Technical Support for Penis Enlargement!:D

( otherwise known to outsiders and non-believers as “that big-dick website” ) :morose:

Give us your BPEL and EG numbers. We’re PULLING for you. No pun intended. Hey, anytime you need a boost or answer, Thunder’s Place has a lot of firepower for your confidence. You can even go to DW’s section and ask the women anything you want - if only the real world were this open and nice.

Thunder’s Place is like a world of its own with each section being like a different country. And yes, it can be highly addicting.

You’re on your way.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

Last edited by chickenchoker : 09-21-2003 at .


For me, even though I’m a slow gainer, it makes me feel good to know that I’m at least trying to make myself bigger. It’s worth the effort. Stick with it, and good luck!

Originally posted by SuperStroker

For me, even though I'm a slow gainer, it makes me feel good to know that I'm at least trying to make myself bigger. It's worth the effort. Stick with it, and good luck!

Apart from everything seeming to hang more freely, I think that’s why I feel better about myself, I mean actually doing something about it, and trying to change what I’m not happy with.


my measurements.

bpel 7 1/2”
eg base 5 1/8”
eg mid 4 3/4”

Thanks for the support. I never thought I’d speak so openly to anyone, especially to people I don’t even know. This is truly a wonderful place which has honestly changed my life. Also why can’t the real world be this open and nice? It would be so much easier don’t you think?

Thanks all.

It's all about motivation, support and attitude


The best thing about Thundersplace is that you are provided the best (and free), no BS information about enlarging your dick that you’ll find anywhere. In addition, you have the support of hundreds of other guys that have been where you are and truly understand what you are going through.

You’re right, for many, if not most of us, we have never ever had the opportunity to be so honest in discussing the most personal appendage in our lives. It’s a freeing experience.

PE is empowering. As you have said, you are taking control of the situation instead of feeling sorry for yourself. This can be addictive.

Use this new found energy and motivation to push ahead, and use the daily support of this forum to help you in the weeks, months and perhaps lifetime of PE to come.

Like you, this place has changed my life and definitely all for the better.

Welcome and good luck,



You thought 7.5 bp was small? Your already big. Welcome to the place where you can go from already big to huge.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I can see how addictive it can be. It’s all I really think about at the moment and nothing seems to be able to drag my thoughts away from it. It’s also nice to know someone else understands how I feel. I used to feel very bitter about my dick size until I found this place. After a couple of hours browsing the forums I felt rather stupid after seeing the size of other guys around here. Thanks man

My fat pad takes up 1 3/8” of that. I’m also 6ft 3” tall and nearly 200lbs so I suppose it looks smaller than it is. Maybe a couple of hours in the gym would do some good.


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