Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Final push for 10x7

Final push for 10x7

After 2 months off it’s time to get back into PE. I will be starting this Monday and hopefully in about a year I’ll be at least 10x6.5. I’ll start off where I left off and that’s with “Memento’s Rapid Gain Mechanism.” Wish me luck and any adivce is appreciated.

Good Luck buddy. By the way, you haven’t indicated your current sizes.

Starting Stats (February, 2006): 6” NBPEL, 5” EG Mid-Shaft; Current: 6 ⅝” NBPEL, 5 ½” EG Mid-Shaft; Goal: 8x6” NBP.

Good luck my friend


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