Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Finally reached 7 inches bpel.

I have tried many combinations over the years. And PE is an art form to be sure. What works for one may not work for another. But here is what I have found works consistently well for me. I use a Jess extender with a Auto extender 3 vac attachment 4 hrs a day in the morning. Then I use and exsleeve that I have cut in half with a 8 oz weight for 1.5 hrs. Then I do nothing until 8 or 9 at night when I do jelqs and kegels and towel lifts every other day I shorten that up in reps and do two sets of 5 minute clamping at the end I always follow this up with an hour of the half sleeve and weight.I do this for three days on one off then one off then two on and one off to make a 7 day cycle.I always listen to my eq and if it gets low I slack off a bit until it returns.I also believe in using just enough because I want to grow for a long time and I don’t want a dick as tough as beef jerky.I started three years ago around 6” in length and now am around 9” someday plus a bit my goal is a monster 10 lucky my girl is into it.

Anyway I hope this helps my success is all due to this site I was a voyeur for many years and read all the vets stuff until I became a member this year.

Also I forgot. A healthy diet of lean protein vegetables and fruits and a good whole food source multi vitamine. Also Hot water in the shower is huge I try to get in there and get really hard a couple of time a day in between Jess sets and half sleeve hangs. For me that is very important to growth.I work for myself so I can do all this. I know for others they have to find what they can do with their schedule.

Originally Posted by Daimyo

I have tried many combinations over the years. And PE is an art form to be sure. What works for one may not work for another. But here is what I have found works consistently well for me. I use a Jess extender with a Auto extender 3 vac attachment 4 hrs a day in the morning. Then I use and exsleeve that I have cut in half with a 8 oz weight for 1.5 hrs. Then I do nothing until 8 or 9 at night when I do jelqs and kegels and towel lifts every other day I shorten that up in reps and do two sets of 5 minute clamping at the end I always follow this up with an hour of the half sleeve and weight.I do this for three days on one off then one off then two on and one off to make a 7 day cycle.I always listen to my eq and if it gets low I slack off a bit until it returns.I also believe in using just enough because I want to grow for a long time and I don’t want a dick as tough as beef jerky.I started three years ago around 6” in length and now am around 9” someday plus a bit my goal is a monster 10 lucky my girl is into it.

Anyway I hope this helps my success is all due to this site I was a voyeur for many years and read all the vets stuff until I became a member this year.

great accomplishment.

did you ever stop PE at all?

One trend I’m seeing: these kinds of gains require hours and hours nearly every day. It’s tough if you live with people, if you’re not home for hours a day, or you have people in your life counting on you to not be in the bathtub all day…

I'm a disciple of science.

I used to take a week off every month.But I stopped doing that when I learned how to watch my eq.Lucky for me my woman is supportive and my daughter is grown and moved out.

Good job!! I’ve noticed my biggest gains when I stretch and jelq daily. Keep up the great work. You can meet an exceed any goal you set. I’m proof of that. It’s About diligence

Congrats bro! Our starting stats are nearly identical. I took the hanging path. Unfortunately I stopped at 7.25 inches when gains were slow. I have just stared getting back into it, but man was it an awesome moment to hit 7 inches!

Serious starting point: Nov. 2, 2009/BPEL 5.75 x 4.75 inches.

Current BPEL 7 1/2 x 5.5 inches.

Goal: BPEL 8 x 6 inches. Hell, if I hit 8, I'm going for 9!

Mr.S, I think that my EQ has a lot to do with how well I can accurately measure. Unfortunately my wife would have questions if I began measuring while we were together!

I have been contemplating taking the hanging route and I’ve tried pretty much everything else except using a pump, so this week I will begin researching here.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"


So you started 5 7/8 BPEL, used a stretcher for a year and became 6 7/8 BPEL. Then you got into jelqing which you attribute the last 1/8 to, is that also where all your girth gains came from?

No, I think the girth was either always there, or is a byproduct of all the work I’ve done plus the improved eq.

I have never focused directly on girth at all for fear of losing length.

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by Daimyo
I have tried many combinations over the years. And PE is an art form to be sure. What works for one may not work for another. But here is what I have found works consistently well for me. I use a Jess extender with a Auto extender 3 vac attachment 4 hrs a day in the morning. Then I use and exsleeve that I have cut in half with a 8 oz weight for 1.5 hrs. Then I do nothing until 8 or 9 at night when I do jelqs and kegels and towel lifts every other day I shorten that up in reps and do two sets of 5 minute clamping at the end I always follow this up with an hour of the half sleeve and weight.I do this for three days on one off then one off then two on and one off to make a 7 day cycle.I always listen to my eq and if it gets low I slack off a bit until it returns.I also believe in using just enough because I want to grow for a long time and I don’t want a dick as tough as beef jerky.I started three years ago around 6” in length and now am around 9” someday plus a bit my goal is a monster 10 lucky my girl is into it.
Anyway I hope this helps my success is all due to this site I was a voyeur for many years and read all the vets stuff until I became a member this year.

That’s funny cause I have a Jess extender but I use the autoxleeve half sleeve with the 8oz weight at the tip. You think that’s a good idea or should I get the attachment. It seems the attachment looks really comfortable. I’m saving your post by the way cause I have experience similar gains in the few months of PE. Have you tried any hanging at all?

Starting stats 02/10/12 - BPEL 5.5" 13.97cm BPFSL 5.5" 13.97 cm BG 4.80" in 12.19cm

Currently: 9/30/13- BPEL 6.75-6.9" 17.5cm BPFSL 7.00" 17.78cm BG 5.1" 13.2 cm

Short term goal: 7 x 5" Long term goal: 8-9 x 5.5-6.0" "This is Chess not Checkers"

Oh congrats btw A-unit. Not trying to hi-jack your 15 minutes of fame lol

Starting stats 02/10/12 - BPEL 5.5" 13.97cm BPFSL 5.5" 13.97 cm BG 4.80" in 12.19cm

Currently: 9/30/13- BPEL 6.75-6.9" 17.5cm BPFSL 7.00" 17.78cm BG 5.1" 13.2 cm

Short term goal: 7 x 5" Long term goal: 8-9 x 5.5-6.0" "This is Chess not Checkers"

Awesome! Congratulations Big Guy!!! :)

2012-02-28 Bpel (7.375) Ew (3.875) Fl (3.250) Fw (1.125) Vol (8.812) :(

2012-03-05 Bpel (7.500) Ew (6.500) Fl (4.000) Fw (5.500) Vol (25.216) :)

2012-04-26 Bpel (7.563) Ew (6.625) Fl (5.063) Fw (5.750) Vol (26.415) :D

I pretty much got to my 7” mark a couple years back and I got so much attention just from the extra length that I got really side tracked and haven’t done any exercises in a year or more. I miss it and I think it’s time to get back into it. Also I love reading about everyone’s progress and success. I love hearing about how far everyone has taken this. It’s great!


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