Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

First month report!

First month report!

Hi all,

It’s been nearly a month since I started my quest to prove whether or not PE works.

A few weeks ago I posted some pictures of gains, that turned out to be mainly due to variations in the measuring method. The gains were there, just not as much as at first anticipated.

At best, I’ve gained 1/4” in length since starting. For your interest I’ve posted my log file as a pdf document. It’s very much a work in progress, when it’s finished in 5 months time if the results are positive I plan to distribute it far and wide. :)

Feel free to suggest improvements to my routine, I’m going to be stepping it up a notch this month (1+ hours each day) because it looks like in March, due to situations beyond my control I’ll be loosing a lot of privacy for a few weeks.

1/4” is good, if it is real, but 1”+ would be much better and make PE much more credible in the eyes of at least a few skeptics.

All feedback very much appreciated.


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PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated - Mitch Hedburg

Make sure you take good BP measurements, and make sure you measure them the same every time you measure.

"You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."

A quarter of an inch in month sounds like an awesome gain to me. Same progression rate as mine. I’ve gained 1/2 an inch in 2 months.

12/10/03 at 5.90" BPEL x 4.75"

07/15/04 at 7.00" BPEL x 5.00"

Goal...bigger ;)

Be careful and heed warnings found on Thunder’s Place about increasing the time spent on your exercise routine and particularly the increased stress caused on your member by greater grip pressures.

I believe I am correct in stating that your early months prepare the penis for the hard work it will be subjected to as you become more experienced.

Enhancements happen, but only with time and dedication. Like so many areas of life, you only grow in them in relation to your efforts. But be warned; if you increase your efforts before you have laid the grounwork, you may cause yourself problems that mean you have to temporarily halt your routine.

I wish you good fortune, although I am at a loss to know why you are not completely happy with the kit you’ve got now!!

Re: First month report!

Originally posted by HumanGuineaPig
At best, I've gained 1/4” in length since starting. For your interest I've posted my log file as a pdf document. It's very much a work in progress, when it's finished in 5 months time if the results are positive I plan to distribute it far and wide. :)

1/4” is good, if it is real, but 1”+ would be much better and make PE much more credible in the eyes of at least a few skeptics.

1/4” in a month is definitely a good gain. Of course 1” would be better - just like a thousand dollars is better than 100, but what’s your point?

When I’ve mentioned charting gains in earlier posts, including photographic evidence of gains, etc., I was talking about for our benefits - not Society at large. I am not out on any “mission” to convert skeptics or to “make PE much more credible in the eyes of at least a few skeptics.”

Damn that, I do this for me, and nobody else.

why give away our little secret ;)

Started: January 1st, 2004 6.6" x 5.2" Reaching for the skyy...

Re: Re: First month report!

Originally posted by wadzilla
1/4” in a month is definitely a good gain. Of course 1” would be better - just like a thousand dollars is better than 100, but what's your point?

My point is a 1” discrepancy is very hard to make, were as 1/4” is very easy. Therefore in terms of ‘proving PE’ 1” IS better. But then, if as you say that is not your goal then there is no other reason I guess.

PS: This is what part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were eliminated - Mitch Hedburg


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