Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Flaccid hang--What would you stop at ?

Originally posted by Socom
What do you guys think determines flaccid size?

Excellent question. Just like bpel is actual length of an erect dick , I think how far down it hangs is the actual flaccid length. In other words, I don’t think the fat pad should be used to say just how long a dick is erect or flaccid. When looking at my flaccid I don’t actually have 5” showing, but it still hangs as far down as a 5 incher no matter what the fat pad is. Wearing a flaccid hang in pants, off center, it is going to show the same. If I want more showing from the fat pad when nude, then I need to lose weight and continue PE.

I’d like to hear what everyone else thinks about flaccid hang measurement.

I agree — bone pressed measurements have no use in determining what the flaccid hang is. It should be the part that shows without using your hands when you are not excited at all.

I do truly believe that bigger is better!

Originally posted by Goodness81
I agree — bone pressed measurements have no use in determining what the flaccid hang is. It should be the part that shows without using your hands when you are not excited at all.

I agree. I only measure my flaccid hang non bone-pressed. That’s what counts for me.


I am not talking about measurements, Iam talking about what determines how big the flaccid state is. Sorry about the confusion.

Life is a game! You win some you lose some! The only easy day was yesterday Just be happy :)


you american guys have strange toilets…

here in holland i have never have the problem of touching the water with my dick…what if you’re laying down a nice piece of brown chocolate in the loo?

My dick is about 5.5” flacid… I really never ever have a problem

you guys should make a thread with: Design a large dick loo !

hehe..just joking…

I admit..I’m jealous of americans… but just in one way..

guitars are way cheaper there and you have a lot of old caterpillar tractors over there!!

I like to be a little bit bigger

I love to play my guitar!

To have to worry about my flaccid size to big for a toilet is a problem that I would gladly deal with. I would not even consider it a problem at all. Just ask bib he is like 10” flaccid.

Life is a game! You win some you lose some! The only easy day was yesterday Just be happy :)

Re: Flaccid hang--What would you stop at ?

Originally posted by beenthere
Would you stop at 6 flaccid hang or would you move on to 7 or even 8 flaccid if you could? Flaccid 6 on up is probably going to cause problems with getting in the way when sitting in general and keeping it out of the water when on the toilet may require some care.

Would you be proud of a 7 inch hang or would you consider it a bit embarrassing when it shows everywhere you go no matter how you wear it in your pants?

Assuming that I had met my erect gain goals, I think about 8” flaccid would be a decent visual.

I where those dickey style pants for work some times cause im in construction and they kinda fit around my cock good sometimes and its very noticeable. I have a bout a 5.5-6 inch hang but i would like to have more :-)

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

Originally posted by Socom

To have to worry about my flaccid size to big for a toilet is a problem that I would gladly deal with. I would not even consider it a problem at all. Just ask bib he is like 10” flaccid.

Does Bib have any pics of this massive hang? Ive never seen any pics of his beast!

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

I’ve been having a bad hang day today. I have only been hanging around 4 1/2 or less today and believe me I don’t like it. I usually hang around 5 and on a good day maybe even 5 1/2. Every half inch makes quite a difference in creating a hang bulge has been my experience.

It is really addictive getting bigger even in just flaccid. It is amazing how aware I was my hang was smaller today and how I kept trying to mentally think it to get back to 5. I slacked on drinking water as much yesterday and today so perhaps that caused it. If I can grow to a 6 1/2 hang or more then it won’t matter as much when I have a bad hang day because it will still be long.

effedra and flaccid hang

Originally posted by 789
Since my flaccid length has improved (almost always 5” unless I do too much caffiene and effedra) I love to go commando and see the ladies glancing at my crouch. Although it tucks down in my jeans shorts pretty nice another inch or so (to 6” or 7”) would make it a lot nicer. I honestly wouldn't even care if I didn't see an increase in my erect measurements if my flaccid was that high.

Just my two cents


789 Never heard this about efedra and or caffine effecting flaccid hang. I consume a lot of both, may be my problem. Can you speculate more on this? Don’t want to hog the thread, PM me if you will

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Ehedra messes with me bad down there. Caffeine doesnt however

Starting Size <======> 7.1 BP x 6.5 girth

Currently<========> 7.4 BP x 6.5 girth

6’ fl is what i want!

I have a nearly 6” flaccid schlong.
And I sometime have trouble “keeping it intact from the toilet”
If you know what I mean. A cold wet pee stinking toilet is not what
you want your dick to encounter! :P

Also, I have trouble sometime with the distance my dick has to
travel in my pants when going to erect state. (eg. a nice chick walks by) :D

I mean, imagine a battle ship, having to turn 180 degrees, and then compare it
to a wooden fishing boat, which is easiest to move around? especially in a small dock. :D

But! besides of those small things, I’d still be happy with one or two extra inches. :D

An ideal flaccid for me would be 6X5 :)

But I’d be happy with 4.5X4.5 flaccid NBP


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