Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

For all you "short" guys,,,a question

I’m 6’2, broad shoulded, built, and I have an 8” dick ;)


…but I’m ugly and not exactly fighting girls away with a stick. I think facial features are 90% of the attraction personally.

Originally posted by twatteaser
Does that mean we can start an intramural basketball league for Thunder's Place?;)

Hell twat, why not?

I can play point guard/ shooting guard. I had a hell of a game. And I always felt that if I was 6’4” or above, I would be in the NBA. I’m about 5’10”, of course I have a 9 1/2” dick, so I guess it could be worse. We all have our own crosses to bear.

Anyway, I understand your a 7’er, you can play center. And the 6’4”/6’5” guys can play forwards. We need another guard though.

I’m 6’1 with broad shoulders and about 15 pounds overweight but I think it’s in the right places because women pay attention to me.
I’m almost 7 1/4 bpel now but back when I was 6 1/4 bpel an ex girlfriend and I were out at the grocery store and the grocery clerk looked my way and looked me over quickly. Playing around about penis size(which I never joked around about then ,but just happen to be in a mood to. Perhaps I was testing my girlgriend for a reaction and I didn’t even realise it at the time) I said” With my height and build and the way she looked me over I wonder if she thinks I’m probably packing?” My ex girlfriend calmly said “She would be in for a surprise”. I knew exactly what she meant because we had discussed size before and she had an ex husband she as married to very briefy(he had run around on her from day 1) that was 8 1/2 L and thicker than me. She knew his length because he had measured it in front of her and he was very proud of it.

If she hadn’t been by nature such an easy going woman I would have really taken offense. She was of a sort of naive nature about everything and so I just shook it off at that time. It was one of those times I really don’t think it was a test. She was telling it like it was. If that clerk was expecting long dong she would have been surprised to find it was nothing of the sort. I set myself up by joking around about penis size and learned my lesson to keep my mouth shut.

i prefer short guy…8 inch dick.

Cuz im a small guy :p …… bummer…



Andre Y.A

Originally posted by anonon
…but I'm ugly and not exactly fighting girls away with a stick. I think facial features are 90% of the attraction personally.

Ya, what about facial features??? I’d say that is definitely the first thing a girl looks for/at. I’d give the face atleast 75% importance. I know it’s the first thing I look for in a girl.

I’m 5’8”, and this question is extremely easy to answer. Hell, I’d probably rather be 6’0” with a 5” dick than 5’8” with an 8” dick.

As for facial features, for what it’s worth, my current girlfriend said she used to like tall guys, but when she saw my face, nothing else mattered.

But remember guys that personality is a major deal in how attractive a girl finds you (as opposed to a girl’s attractiveness, where looks are _the_ dominating factor). Even if you’re ugly and short, an attractive personality will get you attractive girls.

I’m 5’5” with over 7” x 5.75”. I go out with women ranging from 5’7” down to about 5’2”. I figure that covers most of the bases out there.

Fire shall reign from above as shards of heated shrapnel hurl savage kisses to mortal flesh and shattered bone below.

For days, the dead hung in the air as dust.

There are a number of factors that a woman looks for in a man. While maybe they have the same shopping list of wants that all females do, they have a different priority level to that list. So #13 on one girl’s list is #1 on anothers.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I like the way you clearly put that twatteaser.

Along the same theme then ,since genetics has dealt the cards we all play with, disagreements about what matters is really just disagreements over ranking. Individuals place the cards in different places. A person’s environment can cause a shuffling of the cards. When mating, the penis size card might be #2 on one woman’s deck while it might only be #12 on another woman’s deck. Finance could be #3 on one woman’s deck and # 10 on another. Of course I’m just simply comparing this to a deck of 52 cards for illustration. I don’t know how many factors, and variations of factors, total really are involved in mating.

The shuffling of the deck as you care to call it lends plausibility to why a woman would want a bad boy who doesn’t work or wants to work at all. Like women look for a guy who can provide now for them or has an exceelent chance to do so. Example would be a guyy going to school right now for a good field like a doctor or lawyer, yet currently doesn’t work at the moment. So the girl sees Mister Biker who is a meth head loser and should be sterilized in my opinion as desirable cause he is rough, wild, and has the respect of his peers in the white trash demographic.

For instance, tall women want a taller man almost hands down. Go to any personals and look up girls 5’9” or taller and look to see what they want. Those women are looking for a guy at LEAST as tall as them. So if a woman is 5’10” Barefoot she wants her man to be that same size. Very often they ask for a guy who is about 3 or 4 inches taller so they can wear heels out with them when out on the town.

I heard that there is a corelation of a son’s height to his mother that is very strong like 90%. If a woman is 5’10” there is a nintey percent chance that the son will be as tall or taller than the mother. I don’t really remeber where I read this on the net. I think Yahoo or Excite like years ago. So what this means is a woman wants a taller guy to help keep her share of genes immortal down the line. So having a taller son would in theory make him more desirable to some other women, ensuring a future lineage progressing out from him.

Don’t let this hamstring you. If your 5’5”, a girl shorter than you will still find you desirable. It appears to me as an observation, that it would just be harder to get a hold of an amazon or two for you. I have a problem of hitting the your too tall for me area. Look at any personal ad and it is it uncommon for a person to look for a man past 6’5” ish. Though most women have not been exposed to a tall guy before, so they bend there rule when they get an reply or talk to him.

Looks are objective. When someone may be drop dead gorgeous, another guy could have a rugged look that that girl is looking for. Hence the width of the face and the jaw to document a higher health or hormone level of men. Personally it depends, I consider myself average looking but clean up really well with a hair cut and a shave. I throw on something decent and bam, the mojo starts to trickle out.

Now, Evolutionary psychology does explain some mysteries but not all. I look older than what I am and seem to attract a certain type of girl. The “my father bandoned me at 2, broken home story. Perhaps these women see me as a surrogate dad they never had. I am ALWAYS taller than them. Weird Freudian shit I guess?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I guess I would rather be in between those two…. 5’7” with a 6 1/2” inch dick!

However Im 5’10” with 6 1/2”… and would love to be taller, and have a bigger dick… Only one i can change, thats why im here!


Lol, what I meant is, I think most girls would prefer a good looking guy thats 5”7 then an ugly guy thats 6”3.

Height is very much a subjective thing with most women, i.e. many guys prefer blondes, but nailing a beautifull brunette is as good/better.

ATM = 7 6/8 x 51/8 Next Goal = 8.0 x 5.5 Current Routine = Length Only (stretching)

I think height has a major impact on women because as a short person myself (5’8) taller women dont seem attracted to me. I agree personality plays a big role but taller guys do have the upper hand when it comes to getting women (no-pun intended). It just seems that, as j384 pointed out earlier, by nature women want a sense of security from a taller guy the sense of security of their partner. I remember in high school being openly-rejected because of my hieght. It was in French class and my friend and I were talking to one our female classmates and “what she liked in a guy” somehow came up. She gave the typical answers,” a good personality, caring, etc.. (nothing about height yet)” We talked some more just friendly chit chat until the conversation became sour when my friend pointed at me and jokingly said, “you should go out with him he seems like your type.” looking at me she replied, “he’s too short, he’s not tall enough… I only like tall guys.” Ouch, I already felt bad about my height and her words cut through what was left of my confidence. I guess she wanted a tall guy with a good personality.

I think there are many women out there who are alot more interested in personality, its just hard for shorter guys to get their attention, because a girl would most likely want to find a tall guy with a good personality first. What it boils down to is alot of perserverance and self confidence in your self and as said earlier accentuating your best qualities so that in the end you’ll win her over.

There was something else I wanted to point out, wannabelarge99 said,
“Let’s face it, there is no way to change the height we are born with so it isn’t worth worrying about. ” I somewhat disagree, I think height increase is possible through natural excercise such as stretching jumping etc… Although I cannot go fully indepth Ive done some reading on height increase, first off there is are no pills, sprays, or miracle grow that will make you a grow like theres isnt a pill to make your unit grow, but you can increase your height through stretching to expand the elastic cartilage vertebral discs of your spine.

"The greatest inspiration is not out doing others but out doing ourselves."

There was something else I wanted to point out, wannabelarge99 said,
“Let's face it, there is no way to change the height we are born with so it isn't worth worrying about. ” I somewhat disagree, I think height increase is possible through natural excercise such as stretching jumping etc… Although I cannot go fully indepth Ive done some reading on height increase, first off there is are no pills, sprays, or miracle grow that will make you a grow like theres isnt a pill to make your unit grow, but you can increase your height through stretching to expand the elastic cartilage vertebral discs of your spine.

I was wondering whether there were any ways to increase height. They say average height is 5’9”. Average white-guy height is more like 5’11”. It sucks. You got any more info on that height increasing?


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