Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Forum Book of Records


Forum Book of Records

What do you say we try to collect all the foums tops here?

Forum’s biggest tool (of a member, of course)
Forum’s biggest girth
Forum’s member with longest PE career
Forum’s smallest tool

Report the info that is known to you and we’ll see who’s the “one” in each category

Also, report more categories if you think something shoul be added
(and if you think this post is dumb you can suggest me as a forum’s dumbest member;) )

I think a better idea would be the “eight inch club” . I mentioned this before, it was recieved pretty well. I think it would provide great incentive for aspiring gainers to join an exclusive (but publicly viewable) forum where they can write interesting stories about their huge cocks and experiences along the journey to long dickliness.

Why 8”? Because it seems to be what most are gunning for.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Supersizeit did a similar analysis a few months ago. Here it is:

8x6 I love Excel!

But if we were to have a “prestigious” 8 inches and up club, don’t you think there would be some people that would lie about their size just so they could say they were a part of a big penis club? I mean, we would hope not but in a group this size, it’s inevitable. I’ve talked to some people about this before and we decided that for it to work, there would have to be some verification process. And pics wouldn’t work because they can so easily be photoshopped. That would present the problem of having to be measured in person. Which wouldn’t be so bad except If there were one single place in which to get measured, everyone else would have to pay the money to travel there to get measured. And most people aren’t going to do that, unless the club were well known, not just on this site but nationally. Then you could have branches in different large cities, and at the most people would have to drive a few hours to be measured.

Another cool thing would be if there were membership cards. There could be silver, gold, and platinum, representing different sizes of course. And one could “mistakenly” pull this out of his wallet instead of a credit card. “Whoops!”

If someone were to go through the trouble of heading this up, and getting the funds going to make it a legitimate organization, that would probably be one of the most prestigious groups ever. I’d join as soon as I reach the requirement. As would many people. And you could charge a membership fee of course to be able to keep the group up and running.

Yeah I kind of took that idea and ran with it. Just some thoughts.


My signature is cooler than yours.


I think the eight inch club would act on a similar principal as a wiki.

Let me explain: A wiki is an internet technology that basically allows ANYBODY with access to the site, the ability to edit its content and add new content as they see fit. No logins or special access are required. That means, if you want to deface and destroy a section of the site, you can do it very easily. If you want to modify a page for correction, you can do that too.

I have yet to come across a defaced wiki (though it wouldn’t surprise me if it happened). The reasoning behind such an open and accessible system is simple: errors are quickly recognized and corrected by the community and defacers would have to be retarted to continually deface over and over again when they are really accomplishing nothing. Thus only the interested members (the ones that explore and contribute) stick around.

How would the 8 inch club be like a wiki? Simple. If you were lying about your dick size what would you have to contribute to the forum? A bunch of made up stories? It would be a waste of time. Add to that that members would likely find inconsistancies in that person’s stories over time, if he were willing to continue with the lies. Lastly, the REALLY SERIOUS members, would aspire to be in it, grow their dicks and register when they knew they had reached their goals.

All in all, the dishonest are rejected or ignored and the honest recieve the true benefit.

I like your idea very much. It could work but would take massive amounts of coordination to pull it off which translates into much time and money.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

AWWWWWW - geez, guys,
Here you go with that elitist stuff about mega-dick and - geez - are even taking it “up” a notch to be exclusivist as to size for membership.

Shucks - I really feel bad that Mother Nature shortchanged me in physical stature and penile size, but do ya hafta make it so obvious? I mean, I like competition like the next guy, but I am not sure if I like the thought of my 5.5” weenee being the “top dog” in this Beauty Contest of sizes.

Besides which, won’t that make us start clubs for the 7-inchers (my goal now) or the MEGA DICKS (DLD, etc) and just add a fracturing of the “family” to the mix?

Who knows, though - maybe a BIG BOY club in the forum might give incentive to us part-timers to get going …

just adding my “short” takes …


"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


Sorry wan2Bbig! Didn’t mean to make you feel bad or anything. My intentions were good, honest!

I’m sure that exceptions could be made for this exclusive club. It could all be about reaching your goals or something. I think it would be fabo incentive to keep on PEing!

<—— look at the monkey’s expression. the tug feels bad for making you sad… OH YEAH! (in a duff man sort of way)


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

One way to make it fair for everyone is by qualifying entrance into the club by biggest gains. That way, guys that are born with monster dicks don’t get immediate acceptance, and the smaller guys that actually put the work into it get recognized.

Yeah, gains would be the way to go for a PE club based on some sort of achievement. Either that or you could have an ultra-prestigous double digits club, because I have yet to come across anyone who claims to be blessed with a natural 10” or more. (Exclude that Jonah Falcon freak)

Aha! It makes sense now. Thanks tug. But yeah wouldn’t a big organization like that be super-cool? But yeah on a PE forum it would make more sense, and be much more fair, to make the club gains-based, and not size-based. Good idea stevie. And I do know a few natural 10+ guys…but only a few. And I knew one guy that was naturally as girthy as a coke can. Yuck. Anyway, if this club gets started, it would definitely give me even more incentive to go for the big gains. It will be cool to see what comes of this.


My signature is cooler than yours.

I would join a super large PE organization in a heartbeat…. Then I’d make sure that my platinum PE card slipped out everywhere I went! :spin2:

A coke can? I can’t even imagine a dick that thick… I almost feel sorry for the poor guy… How many women (or men, as his preference may be) can handle this enormous dong? Is there an anti PE to PE?


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

gains seems like a good criteria - who has 2” gains has sliver, who has 3” gains has gold and 4+ get platinum ;)

OK - OK … now you have got me really riled - I’M GOING FOR THE GOLD!!!

LOL - no offense taken, guys … just in good humor. Actually, a place to really celebrate gains is already throughout this site - and thanks to the gods of mega-dick for that.

I am glad that THUNDER’S (and other sites like it) exist. Without you all, I would have either gone the $$$ down the rat-hole existence, or have just piddled around and gotten nowhere.

After really getting serious about this, I still have not made length gains, BUT - I LOOK better as my flacid hang is about 1” more, and my dick IS veinier due to regular pumping and manual exercises.

I guess I AM a HARD GAINER, and will have to work harder. It makes it worth it, when I read about your gains, and celebrate them with you.

Keep me encouraged with challenges - the “carat” before the “DONG”key — lol.


"Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if treason prosper, none dare call it treason." - Harrington


Good to hear….. and don’t worry, you’ll hit your gains….

Time and pressure is all it really takes.


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

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