Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Free beer !


How about a little help...

If you haven’t voted in westla’s “Human Sexuality” poll yet, please do. He won’t unstick the poll from the top of the forum until he sees 300 votes. We are getting well over 500 members a day visiting Thunder’s Place, so there are quite a few members that haven’t voted yet.


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How many times can I say I’m gay?

There’s something wrong with this poll. It’s rigged or something. 5000 members and only 9 faggots have the balls to admit it? In this safe place??Somebody’s got to be erasing somewhere.



>How many times can I say I’m gay?

How many times do you want to.

He could have made it multiple choice then I could have hedged my bets.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Originally posted by memento
>How many times can I say I'm gay?

How many times do you want to?

As usual, an abstruse question from mem.

Fact is, at the point we are now, seems to me, in our fairly sophisticated adult world I shouldn’t ever need to ever say it except kindly and also gratefully when a woman hits on me. I’m pleased to say that this does happen and I love it when it does.

But Westla (I think, anyway, because we are working on a sexual education project together for Thunder’s) is aimed toward making all sorts of good sexual information available to our members, no matter their sexual stripes. Knowing who is coming from where helps in setting that up.

For that reason, taking 30 seconds to vote today may get you many heavenly hours of sack time in the future no matter whom you are doing it with, so VOTE!

Mem did, and he is the shyest member here.



> Free beer !

That was cruel.

Going for 9

There's something wrong with this poll. It's rigged or something. 5000 members and only 9 faggots have the balls to admit it? In this safe place??Somebody's got to be erasing somewhere.

Maybe gay men have larger penises, or perhaps they see so many they have a better perspective on what is average, or pehaps having a smaller penis has certain advantages. These reasons would tend to reduce the number of gay men seeking penis enhancement sites.

Just a partly tounge in cheek speculation.

Thanks for the promo Chief, Avocet, Mem. I, too, am a bit surprised by the lack of homo votes. Perhaps the old 10% figure isn’t right after all, or it doesn’t apply here. Maybe gay guys are satisfied with their size and don’t need to visit Thunder’s Place.


Why would any of you be surprised?

The biggest reason there are more strait people on here is because there are more strait people in the world.

also, you’ve gotta understand the type of audience that would venture to thunders. Most heterosexual guys have a harder time getting pussy than gay guys have getting other guys in the sack.

It would therefore make sense that more heterosexual males would come to thunders in an attempt to add to their possibility of getting ass (getting a bigger dick).

Also at the same time a strait guy might be doing PE to help his current relationship with his wife (if your going to be married you might as well be having good sex). Gay guys on the other hand can’t even get married in most cases.

Now, it is also my belief is that the gay audience that is on the site aren’t coming here because of the same reason strait guys are. For example, i don’t believe many of the gay people on this site are insecure about their current size, or are here because they have some form of OCD. But rather just to achieve better sexual performance for that reason alone.

As opposed to many of the strait guys who have been made fun of, or are thrown off by myths about the true average size (again something gays don’t have to worry about), or are obsessive. Perhaps they think to be what they think a strait guy should be, they have to have a big dick (or be an ass hole - whatever).

So lets think here, when you have a greater number of people with a greater number of reasons for pe, It makes sense they would be on pe forums in greater numbers..

Nobody is surprised that there is not a large number of women on the site?

Going for 9

I just voted. Took me a while to find the poll because it wasn’t in the POLL forum. God damn mods here never do anything right. I was vote 189.



My complaint wasn’t to do with the breakdown of the votes, I just wanted a little more participation from members (whatever choice they make) instead of just letting the poll sit there forever.

500+ members a day and less than 200 votes after all this time??

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I got ya. I was kinda directing it toward avocet.

As for you, i’m still a little upset about the “free beer” advertising. Its like giving away chocolate x-lax on Halloween.

Going for 9

Sorry about that Sportsguy, but it did get your attention didn’t it?? I have to resort to underhanded measures because most guys steer clear of anything I post, especially a new thread.

I don’t have a clue why.

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Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

There you go. I voted gay to help you guys bump the total.

What no f-ing beer how many times will I fall for that trick from Thunder all I ever hear is Hey Dino wash my car and help your self to an Ice Cold Brew in the fridge and then when I’m done there ain’t no beer and he goes and act’s all surprised and sends me out to pick up another case and of course he forgot his wallet again.

You would think that with the amount of posting done by gay guys on this forum that it was at least half gay. :D It just must be that we have very outspoken gay guys on this board.



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