Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

gained 1/8" in 3 weeks

gained 1/8" in 3 weeks

Thanks Bib:D Thanks Thunder:D will try to set up a paypal account and donate in June.

Well my routine has been anything but. I do all downward and BTC stretches, but as JAI 3 second stretches. I couldn’t be stretching more than 15 minute’s manually, and about 1 hour wearing the peni-master at light tension. I haven’t stretched everyday in the past 3 weeks, mostly no stretching on weekends, and only a couple 1 hr sessions with the peni-master. I’m moving at the end of the month and just stretch when I have some spare time.

I have a real bad habit of measuring often and lately my BPEL has been 7.25”(past 3-4 days). BPFS is climbing up to 7.5” and this is very encouraging for me as I never thought gains would come like this.

In the words of DLD “This shit works!”

Re: gained 1/8" in 3 weeks

AnotherGuy, WOW, that is great news. Congratulations and use this gain as an inspiration for new gains. You should feel very proud.


Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Great gains! Looks like you are on thr right track.

1/8 inch in 3 weeks? I hate you, I really, really, hate you.

Ummm, no! I mean congratulations, keep up the good work.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally posted by iamaru
1/8 inch in 3 weeks? I hate you, I really, really, hate you.

Ummm, no! I mean congratulations, keep up the good work.

Thnx guys the encouragement is very appreciated:D

You’ll come along soon enough. Hell I been in this since 1999, but I never stuck with it. Now that I am I’m reaping the benefits for every last microinch:p

congrats dude!

ive read alot of different theories on measuring and all and to me it all seems kind of silly in a way because you either gain or you don’t right?

well i’ve only been at it for 3 weeks and i haven’t measured just for the reason that i stayed off the scale when i was trying to lose weight or lost the tape when i was bodybuilding. a 1/8 gain could be water weight gain even if bone pressed. right?? any ways i will say this. after my second session of jelqing, the next night my girl gave me head and after i came my dick did not lose any hardness as i expected it to and i even waited. i was amazed!!!! about 5 minutes later after bragging about it to her i mounted her and had awesome sex!!!!! so as skeptical as i am, pe has definitely helped me in some way after only 3 weeks!!! hey thunder i dont know if this was the right forum for this so put it wherever dude!! and thanks again for this forum!

i meant water weight loss boe pressed

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