Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gains genetic or related to other factors



The number of three to four inch gainers is small. But the number of guys who wish to gain three or four inches is small also.

All you have to do is research the goals of the PEers on this board. I don’t think you can find any with an ultimate goal of ten inches when starting at six inches. I believe the average length goal is eight, from a starting average of six.

The only guys I have seen that mention a goal of ten plus are starting at eight plus.



I have just read doc’s progress thread. Its seems that he made no gains at all for 2 years of regular PE, then bought a PJ and hanger and boom 1inch length and 1 inch girth in a very short time. For him the type of exercise he was doing was incredibly important… I know it is only one case… still makes you think.

keeep going!


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