Genetic penis enlargement
I saw in the discovery channel a scientist that discovered the gene of growth. He is using this for medical application, for instance for helping people with heart problems. He injects a substance with a special gene activated.
Well, what he did now is that he is injecting these genes in the muscle and it makes it to growth also. My question is do you think if that substance were inject in the penis it would grow also?
Today, I went to the GNC store and a found a new product of MuscleTech, Anator gene activator. It says that is using genetic technology for bodybuilding. Do you thing they are using the technology that I saw in the discovery. Does anybody that has tried this product could tell you if this is true? Does it really work of it is just marketing. Do you think that this same product may work for PE?
Last edited by None : 09-17-2007 at .