Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Geographic area and penis size



being from Northern Europe I don’t believe in the theory of geographical location in association with dick size. I believe it’s more influenced by genes rather then location. Does that make sense?

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I have a couple of friends that have American Indian in them that are pretty well hung, anything to that?

Originally Posted by Uncut4Big

being from Northern Europe I don’t believe in the theory of geographical location in association with dick size. I believe it’s more influenced by genes rather then location. Does that make sense?

I totally agree.

But there can be something with the fact the we humans might have developed a bigger penis than the primates, because we find a big penis is attractive. Thus maybe, par example Indians have bigger penises because they wear less clothes at certain occations? A little superficial, I know, but this way it would be some sort of natural selection. This is of course alot more complicated than I tried to show. How do human beings meet with potential partners in different cultures, is a big penis cultivated, etc etc..

And this can be linked to geography.


I don’t think we developed bigger cocks than primates just because we like ‘em bigger. This entire board wouldn’t probably exist if we’d do.

It has something to do with the genes that run throughout the entire family tree.

Did your grandpa have a big dick? Or ask yourself this, …how well endowed was your grandma or even great-grandma? Sounds weird and freaky, I know, but that’s what it all boils down to. And as far as the geographical connection goes, we all know that people moved a lot, from country to country, just look at history books.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Hehehe.. I really hope my grandma isn’t well endowed…

Anyway, what do you think is the reason for humans having a big penis compared to primates. Yet so close related, 97% shared genepool??

But I don’t think a big penis is a certain family feature. I have read about many here on the board which has a family member whos penis is a lot bigger than their own. I can of course be a matter of dominate and recessive genes.



Think migration, it has to be people that were originally from a warm climate and that is most likely just from Africa and the middle east.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Good observation wadzilla.


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