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Girth added by connective or scar tissue

Girth added by connective or scar tissue

I have been gaining girth as you can see in my signature. What worries me is that I seem to be adding connective to a part of the shaft. There is one part of the shaft that is relatively thick. The part distally from half way down the not shaft not including the glans. Now I noticed this is because this part shows a layer of connective tissue that is not present in the proximal part. It is less sensitive than the anatomically normal area. It shows as a thickening in a ribbed pattern and form ridges radiating around the shaft which are not present at the ventral part of the shaft.

-Has this been observed in other cases (PEers)?
-What is the direct cause?
-Is it reversible?

Initial stats; BPEL 8.5 inch, EL 8.3 Inch, EG 6.4 inch. Goal; EL +1 inch, EG: Not a priority. Equal girth along the shaft.

Progress: 5 weeks: BPEL: 8.8 inch. (+7mm) EL: 8.6 inch (+7mm). SL: 8.9 EG: 6.7 averaged out (+4-8mm. Growth though failing to create equal girth along shaft)

Upload a pic it isn’t clear what you are saying.

If it is actually unclear I can upload a picture this weekend. For now, imagine putting a sleeve like this on your penis, but don’t include the glans:

http://www.alie … /457089789.html

It transitions smoothly along the shaft though into the normal proximal part of the penis. It is ribbed in a similar fashion as such a sleeve. It feels like cartilage or hard connective tissue when erect and it is not sensitive.

Initial stats; BPEL 8.5 inch, EL 8.3 Inch, EG 6.4 inch. Goal; EL +1 inch, EG: Not a priority. Equal girth along the shaft.

Progress: 5 weeks: BPEL: 8.8 inch. (+7mm) EL: 8.6 inch (+7mm). SL: 8.9 EG: 6.7 averaged out (+4-8mm. Growth though failing to create equal girth along shaft)

Your EQ is better and expands more tunica. What you think is scar tissu are penis ribs.

Here is an image of a very similar case:

Deleted Link

At the base and proximal shaft the penile tissue is quite smooth and the girth is smaller. Further along the shaft ridges appear and girth increases while the glans is not enlarged.

Initial stats; BPEL 8.5 inch, EL 8.3 Inch, EG 6.4 inch. Goal; EL +1 inch, EG: Not a priority. Equal girth along the shaft.

Progress: 5 weeks: BPEL: 8.8 inch. (+7mm) EL: 8.6 inch (+7mm). SL: 8.9 EG: 6.7 averaged out (+4-8mm. Growth though failing to create equal girth along shaft)

Last edited by marinera : 11-30-2012 at .

I said: upload your pics here; no external links, and no penis pics in public forums. Those are penile ribs and nothing abnormal. Find time to study a bit of penile anatomy, it could be useful.

Thanks for the information. I have been spending years studying amongst other subjects the human anatomy, but I never came across the term penis rib. Do you mean the trabeculae of the corpora cavernosa of the penis? I cannot explain why they are only enlarged in the distal part of the shaft after doing PE. It might be some fibrous tissue forming from the exercise.

Initial stats; BPEL 8.5 inch, EL 8.3 Inch, EG 6.4 inch. Goal; EL +1 inch, EG: Not a priority. Equal girth along the shaft.

Progress: 5 weeks: BPEL: 8.8 inch. (+7mm) EL: 8.6 inch (+7mm). SL: 8.9 EG: 6.7 averaged out (+4-8mm. Growth though failing to create equal girth along shaft)

See if this helps (expecially the 2d post).

Illustrated vocabulary of external anatomy of the penis

TA is shaped that way. If your EQ is stronger, TA is pushed with more force against the skin so the ribs become more prominent. If you try to clamp your penis at the base, you’ll notice that those ribs will become even more prominent. So it’s not an abnormal growth, but a more effecient penis the ‘problem’.

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